

Introduction of New Variety of High Quality Spring Wheat and Research on Advanced Planting Techniques in Baiyin

【作者】 刘克菊

【导师】 王汉宁; 王有良;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 种植业, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 发展优质小麦生产,是适应农业发展阶段性变化的必然选择,是加快农业结构特别是种植业结构调整步伐,增加农民收入,提高农业整体效益,推动白银农业和农村经济持续健康发展的重要措施。本文根据白银市小麦生产特别是各大高扬程灌区优质小麦生产的现实要求,以支撑白银市优质中强筋面条小麦生产为目标,针对白银市优质小麦生产中存在的优质品种缺乏,综合栽培技术不配套,区域布局不尽合理等状况,依托科技项目,对近年引进的39份优质春小麦品种(系)在白银市各大高扬程灌区的生长发育、产量、品质和适应性等主要特征特性进行了观察比较和研究,对入选品种的优质高产栽培技术进行了研究总结和示范推广。适宜我市各灌区推广种植的优质小麦品种分别是宁春32号、宁春33号和甘春20号;搭配品种分别是J659和新春8号。入选品种3年试验的平均产量分别为6517.5,6496.5,6391.5,6442.5,6193.5kg/hm2,蛋白质含量分别为14.27%、14.5%、15.3%、14.9%、16.4%,湿面筋含量分别为31.5%、29.7%、33.4%、34.8%、33.6%,面团稳定时间分别为11.8、5.8、9.8、5.8,19.2min。通过对播期、追氮时期和追氮量、栽培措施组合等栽培技术对春小麦产量和品质的影响进行田间试验研究,制定出了白银市高扬程灌区优质春小麦栽培技术(1)在3月10-15日播种;(2)基施与追施结合,基追各半;在底肥施P2O5 84kg/hm2的基础上,施氮总量以施纯N172.5kg/hm2为宜,追氮时期以扬花期最佳,追氮量以追施纯N86.25kg/hm2为宜;(3)优质春小麦栽培措施最佳组合方案为:密度528.9-578.2万/hm2,施纯N226-234kg/hm2,施P2O5113-117kg/hm2,施K2O78-91.5kg/hm2,喷多效唑100-200ppm溶液450kg/hm2。依据白银市资源条件特点和多年多点品种区域试验结果,将优选的优质春小麦新品种按照其对地区的生态适应性进行了生产布局和示范推广。2004-2005两年,在全市各大灌区总共示范推广优质小麦3706.7 hm2,平均单产为5860.5kg/hm2,增产率6.5%,总增产优质专用小麦1346t。其中靖会灌区1120 hm2,平均单产5848.5kg/hm2,比对照增产6.7%;景电灌区1433.3 hm2,平均单产6294kg/hm2,比对照增产6.6%;刘川灌区513.3 hm2,平均单产6126kg/hm2,比对照增产6.3%;兴电灌区640 hm2,平均单产5182.5kg/hm2,比对照增产6.2%。

【Abstract】 High quality wheat production is the last choice in the stage of agriculture development. It’s also the important method to quicken agriculture structure adjustment steps,increase farmer’s income and agriculture efficiency,advance agriculture and economic development sustainably and healthily in Baiyin area.In order to meet the demand of Bayin high quality wheat production,support Baiyin high quality noodle wheat production and solve the problem of the shortage of high quality varieties of spring wheat,imperfect planting techniques and unreasonable variety distribution in Baiyin,this paper introduced about 40 high quality spring wheat varieties and studied their growth features,yield,quality and adoption in Bayin.The high quality variety planting techniques were thereby studied and put forward in Baiyin.The advanced planting techniques and the high quality varieties of spring wheat were demonstrated and extended in Baiyin.Sifted 3 high quality wheat varieties can be extend to irrigation area in Baiyin city;they are Ningchun-32,Ningchun-33,Ganchun-20.Parallel 2 varieties J659 and Xinchun 8.The average yield of these varieties is 6517.5,6496.5,6391.5,6442.5,6193.5kg/hm2.Protein conten is 14.27%,14.5%,15.3%,14.9%,16.4%;Wet gluten content is 31.5%,29.7%,33.4%, 34.8%,33.6%.Dough stability time is 11.8,5.8,9.8,5.8,19.2min individually.Effects of the planting period,the period and amount of nitrogen fertilizing and other planting techniques on yield and quality in high quality spring wheat were studied.The planting technique of high quality and high yield of spring wheat in Baiyin were summarized: 1)planting in March 10-15.2)the suitable method of fertilizing nitrogen is integrating the base fertilizer and the top-dressing of fertilizer.In the base of fertilizing P2O5 84kg/hm2,the amount of fertilizing nitrogen is 172.5kg/hm2.The suitable period of adding nitrogen is in flower time.The amount of adding nitrogen is 86.25kg/hm2.3)defined the best planting techniques of high quality spring wheat:the density is 5289-5782 thousand/hm2,N is 226-234kg/hm2,P2Os is 113-117kg/hm2,K2O78-91.5kg/hm2,duoxiaozuo(100-200ppm) is 450kg/hm2.According to resource condition of Baiyin,variety region test result in Baiyin and the biological adaptability,distribute and demonstrate the high quality spring wheat variety.In 2004 and 2005,demonstrated and extended high quality wheat 3706.7 hm2,average yield is 5860.5kg/ hm2,increased 6.5%,increased 1346t wheat totally.Among them,Jinghui irrigation area is 1120 hm2,average yield is 5848.5kg/hm2,increased 6.7%than ck;Jingdian irrigation area is 1433.3 hm2,average yield is 6294kg/hm2,increased 6.6%than ck;Liuchuan irrigation area is 513.3 hm2,average yield is 6126kg/hm2,increased 6.3%than ck;Xingdian irrigation area is 640 hm2,average yield is 5182.5kg/hm2,increased 6.2%than ck.

  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【下载频次】61