

Agronomy Measure and Environment Control Technique to Improve Yield and Storage-Resistant Quality on Potato

【作者】 晋小军

【导师】 黄高宝; 牛俊义;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 种植业, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 我国马铃薯贮藏技术普遍落后,与国外相比,先进的设施恒温冷藏库应用很少,贮藏能力十分有限,仅用于个别企业和科研单位。生产上马铃薯窖藏腐烂率一般在20%以上,加之由于病虫害和种植技术等原因造成的田间腐烂,马铃薯损失量十分巨大。本研究立足甘肃省马铃薯生产实际,针对马铃薯窖藏腐烂这一生产亟待解决的难题,从品种选择、农艺措施、不同窖型等主要因素对马铃薯贮藏效果的影响进行了综合研究,取得了以下主要研究成果:1、研究了不同农艺措施对马铃薯产量的影响,提出了适合试验区的马铃薯高产农艺技术体系。通过对渭源主栽的5个马铃薯品种进行比较研究,筛选出了产量表现最好的脱毒品种陇薯3、4号,在覆膜条件下可达76538.25kg/hm2,比对照增产62.64%和68.13%。应运二次回归饱和—D最优设计,确立了三种主要肥料与马铃薯产量间的拟合方程,得出在该试验区的最优施肥方案为:农家肥98863.64kg/hm2、氮(N)60.426kg/hm2、磷(p2O5)57.17kg/hm2时,产量可达74173.2 kg/hm2;引入钾肥因子后,最佳施肥量为在氮(N)110.4 kg/hm2、磷(P2O5)90.5792 kg/hm2、钾(K2O)105.6407kg/hm2时,产量水平最高。2、研究了不同农艺措施对马铃薯耐贮性的影响,为防治马铃薯窖藏腐烂奠定了理论基础,提供了技术指标。比较了渭源主栽的马铃薯品种的耐贮性,结果表明当地最耐贮藏的品种为脱毒品种抗疫白,其次为渭薯8号、陇薯4号。地膜覆盖栽培技术对马铃薯耐贮性影响差异不显著。通过方程拟合,确立的最佳耐贮性施肥量为农家肥96402.975 kg/hm2、氮(N)61.228 kg/hm2、磷(P2O5)47.511 kg/hm2时,且在砖石窖贮藏效果最好;在农家土窖中则为氮(N)127.5 kg/hm2、磷(P2O5)78.9657 kg/hm2、钾(K2O)75.9726 kg/hm2。3、通过研究我省马铃薯产区的主要窖型,筛选出了最适合马铃薯窖藏的窖型及调控窖内微环境的主要技术指标。确定了最适合试验区的贮藏窖为砖石窖,耐贮性可达88.82%,其次为农家土窖,以水泥窖窖藏效果最差。调控窖内微环境的主要技术指标是:温度范围为9℃—2℃,相对湿度最优值为89.5%、CO2浓度为503.2ppm左右时,贮藏效果最佳。4、通过上述研究,优化集成了一套可操作性强的马铃薯高产耐贮藏技术体系,并制定出了技术操作规程。应用后马铃薯耐贮性可达85%以上,腐烂率控制在5%以下,对贫困地区马铃薯产业的发展有重要意义,推广应用前景广阔。

【Abstract】 The technology of potato storage is commonly backward in our country.Compared with the foreign countries,the advanced facility,cold storage in constant temperature, are very few in using,only in several enterprises and academic institutions.The capacity is very limited.In production the rotten rate of potato storage is general beyond 20%,adding to the rot caused by plant diseases、insect pests and planting technology and so on,the loss is very large.Aimed at the difficult problem about the potato decomposing,the study bases on the practice of potato production,and analyzes the effects of potato storage from variety choice、agricultural measures and different cellar styles.The major achievements are as following:1.By studying the effects of the different agricultural measures on the yield of potato, we find out a suitable high yield agricultural technology system for the area. Compared with the five potato varieties cultivated in Weiyuan,we seek out the best virus-free varieties,Longshu No.3 and Longshu No.4,and the yield is up to 76538.25kg/hm~2 in the plastic condition,increasing 62.64%and 68.12%to the contrast.By using a quadratic regression and saturation optimizal design,we establish the imitated equation between the three major fertilizers and the yield of potato,and obtain the best scheme of fertilizer in this area:when stable manure is 98863.64 kg/hm~2、nitrogen fertilizer is 60.426 kg/hm~2 and phosphorus fertilizer is 57.17 kg/hm~2,the yield is up to 74173.2 kg/hm~2;after introducing the potassium fertilizer,the yield is the highest while nitrogen fertilizer is 110.4 kg/hm~2、phosphorus fertilizer is 90.5792 kg/hm~2 and potassium fertilizer is 105.6407 kg/hm~2.2.By studying the effects of the different agricultural measures on storage tolerance of potato,it lays a theory foundation and provides some technology indexes for preventing and curing the rot in cellar.The results indicate the most durable one is Kangyibai,the second is Weiyuan N8 and Longshu N4,in contrast with the different cultivated varieties.The effect of plastic covered technology on storage tolerance is not notable.With the imitated equation,we get the optimum and durable fertilizer level:stable manure is 96402.975 kg/hm~2、nitrogen fertilizer is 61.228 kg/hm~2 and phosphorus fertilizer is 47.511 kg/hm~2 when in brisk or stone cellar;while in the soil cellar,nitrogen fertilizer is 127.5 kg/hm~2、phosphorus fertilizer is 78.9657 kg/hm~2 and potassium fertilizer is 75.9726 kg/hm~2. 3.By studying the major styles of cellar in potato producing area of our province,we find out the optimum style of cellar and the major technology indexes mediating the inside micro environment.Determining the optimum cellar in experimental field is brick or stone cellar,the storage tolerance is up to 88.82%,the second is soil cellar and the cement cellar is the last.the major technology indexes for mediating the inside microenvironment is that the range of temperature is 9℃-2℃, the optimum relative humidity is 89.5%,carbon dioxide density is about 503.2ppm,such is the best environment for storage.4.From the above studies,the technology of high yield system and storage tolerance of potato is well settled which can be operated easily,and a procedure of technology operation is drafted.After apply in practicing the storage tolerance of potato is beyond 85%,rotten rate is bellow 5%,which is important to the development of potato production in the poor area and also has a good prospect for spreading and practicing.

  • 【分类号】S532
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】339