

Studies on the Cultivation Techniques of Nectarine

【作者】 李宽莹

【导师】 常永义; 王发林;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 种植, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 试验利用兰州、天水、平凉、张掖等不同生态区的日光温室进行油桃栽培。试验品种为华光、曙光、艳光、早油118、早红2号、千年红等。观察各生态区日光温室栽植品种的物候期;研究日光温室油桃树体的生长发育规律;测定了各品种果实的品质经济性状;比较了日光温室油桃人工授粉不同授粉方式及自花、异花授粉的效应;测定了施用多效唑对日光温室栽培油桃生长的影响;以及对日光温室油桃采果缩冠修剪后的黄化病进行了防治试验。结果表明:1.在甘肃省不同生态区,随着纬度的增加,油桃物候期也随之往后推迟;但采用反扣棚技术,高纬度地区完全可以使日光温室油桃提前开花结果。2.经综合比较试验品种的生长结果习性及果实品质等特性,筛选出适宜甘肃省日光温室栽培的油桃品种:华光、曙光、艳光、千年红。3.日光温室油桃栽培采用人工辅助授粉能显著提高油桃坐果率,并能改善果实品质。人工辅助授粉方式以毛笔点授为佳,授粉最佳时间为每天的10:00-16:00之间。4.施用多效唑能减少新梢生长量,降低枝条分枝级次,有效控制日光温室油桃的树冠大小,改善树体光照条件,促进花芽分化,提高坐果率。5.日光温室油桃采果缩冠修剪后的黄化病,经药剂防治,可增加新梢生长量、增加树体干径粗度、提高枝条成花枝率。

【Abstract】 In this experiment phonology, the development rule, fruits qualities of huangguang, shuanguang, yangguang, zaoyou118, zaohong2 and qiannianhong in lanzhou, tianshui, pinliang, and zhangye were determined, the different effect of artificial pollination, self-pollination and cross-pollination and the effect on development of application of pp333 were estimated and the control trials of nectarine etiolating disease with pruning and training after mature were also determined, The results showed that,1. With the increasing of latitude, the phonology is delayed indifferent area of Gansu, but the against-covered technology can make the phonology earlier in greenhouse of high latitude2. Several nectarine varieties were selected for greenhouse planting in Gansu after the analyzing of traits of developing and fruits qualities.3. Artificial pollination in greenhouse planting can increase fruit rate and improve fruit quality, the best method is appoint-pollination by using brush from 10:00 to 16:00.4. Application of pp333 can reduce new shoots growth and branch, efficiently control canopy in greenhouse, improve light intensity and increasing fruit rate.5. The development of new shoot, the thick of stem and the flowerage rate of branch can be improved through medicating control after pruning and training in mature.

【关键词】 油桃日光温室栽培技术
【Key words】 nectarinegreenhouseplanting techniques
  • 【分类号】S662.1;S628
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】298