

Studies and Analysis on Biological Feature of Growth and Fruiting from Introduced Cultivars of Pistachio Tree

【作者】 李建红

【导师】 孙学刚; 王发林;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 林学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 阿月浑子(Pistacia vera L.),为漆树科(Anacardiaceae)黄连木属(Pistacia L.)落叶小乔木,其坚果我国商品名称“开心果”,是目前市场上价格最高的干果之一。由于阿月浑子在我国尚无商品化种植及生产,因此开展阿月浑子的引种栽培和试验研究具有积极的现实意义。本试验在全面观测和调查分析试验点气候、水分、土壤等生境条件的基础上,对美国加州引进的阿月浑子雌树品种“Kerman”和雄树品种“Peter”以及利用引进品种作接穗,利用本省生长的陇南黄连木作砧木嫁接繁育的阿月浑子幼树在试验点的植物学特性、生长物候期、营养生长状况、结实表现、坚果经济性状及抗逆性等进行系统观察测试与分析研究,初步研究结果表明:1)引进品种“Kerman”、“Peter”经过10年的适应性生长,能够适应试验点自然生态条件,完成其全部的物候生长期,生长发育正常;4株“Kerman”已经连续6年正常开花结实;2)利用陇南黄连木作砧木繁育阿月浑子,嫁接培育幼树成活率高,接穗与砧木亲和力好,苗木适应性强。嫁接幼树期生长旺盛,第2年即形成花芽,第3年进入初果期;连续3年稳定结果,产量呈上升趋势;通过连续2年对嫁接繁育“Kerman”坚果营养成分测试,各项指标测试值近似于种源地测试值;3)引进品种“Kerman”幼树期生长较快,结果早,花芽率34%,平均结果枝果穗数约31个;平均单株花序数3274个,花序坐果率100%,平均花朵坐果率%16.7%—33.3%,坚果果个大、色泽好;是良好的主栽品种。雄树“Peter”花期长,花粉量大、生命力持久,可弥补由于雌雄花期不一致所造成的受粉率低,是良好的授粉树。4)引进品种在试验点虽然可以完成其全年的生理过程,同时由于春季(3—4月)气温回升较慢,花芽萌动较晚,可以有效的躲避早春寒的为害,但是也由于同样的因素及秋季雨水较多导致坚果灌浆期积温不足等众多原因,致使2品种的物候期较种源地均延长,其中“Kerman”在试验点从开始座果到果实成熟,约需要150-155d左右的生长发育,晚于新疆喀什约20d,晚于美国加州30d左右;试验点全年营养生长周期240d左右;5)与新疆疏附引进的同品种幼树相比,试验点嫁接幼树营养生长良好;其中树高、胸径等生长量以及单株产果量均好于新疆疏附幼树,差异显著:6)引进树和自繁幼树产坚果性状较好,平均种仁1.970×1.231cm,平均单果核重0.884g,最大单果核重1.20g;平均出仁率59.4%,平均出核率68.3%,种仁开裂率65%;但由于秋季降雨量过多坚果表面出现斑点:7)引进品种在试验点表现出营养生长旺盛,生殖生长不足,突出表现在单株产量过低上(2.78kg);8)引进和嫁接的“Kerman”树产坚果的营养成分均含量与种源地测定值近似,蛋白质、Vc等指标还略高于种源地;但是方差分析结果表明试验点样品在出仁率及出油率等指标上与种源地均差异显著;9)引进品种表现出较强的抗寒性,正常管理条件下引种10年内未发生过严重冻害;春季嫁接幼树当年可自然越冬,夏季嫁接幼树仅需当年稻草覆盖地面保墒保温即可安全越冬;同时引进品种对早春寒亦有较强的抗性,“Peter”在花期遭遇-6——2℃低温时,花粉生命力仍可达到72%;10)品种“Kerman”、“Peter”在试验点先后根腐病(Armillaria melleu)、枯萎病(Botrysphaeria Panicle Blight)等真菌病害,并且病害有逐年加重的趋势,需对病害的发生发展和防治进行进一步的试验观察和研究。

【Abstract】 The pistachio tree (Pistacia vera L.) is the number of the Anacardiaceae family and is the only one edible species among the 11 species in the genus Pistacia. The commercial name of pistachio nut is called " Kaixinguo" in China. As one kind of special tree nut with high economic value and without commercial planting and production in China, Pistachio will be promising by introduction.On the baseline of the overall observation and investigation of climate condition (including temperature, precipitation, humidity, etc), soil status and other environment condition from the trail field, studies and analysis on biological feature of growth and fruiting from introduced pistachio cultivars named "Kerman" and "Peter" have been down. The essential results of study in the project were to:(1) Introduced cultivars "Kerman" and "Peter" have adapted circumstances condition and keep going well on growth, blooming and bearing. All of the 4 female trees got blooming and bearing after 6 years adapted growth. (2) The rootstock named Chinese Pistacia from local was the best rootstock at present by trail. Grafted seedling showed high survival ratio, good appetency between rootstock and cion, and bearing after 3 years of adapted growth, the nut’s nutrition from grafted tree was as same as commercial nut by analysis. (3) The female cultivar "Kerman" tree showed some advantage including growth up fast in its seedling period and bearing early. The ratio of inflorescence bud was 34%, the average clusters in the fruiting branch were 31, the average inflorescences each tree were 3274, the fruiting ratio of each inflorescences were 100%, the average fruiting ratio of each flower set was between 16.7%- 33.3%. The single nut set of "Kerman" cultivar in trail field showed big size and nature color. The male cultivar "Peter" tree showed a long pollen period with large quantity of pollen, it can make up low pollen ratio caused by different blooms period between "Kerman "and "Peter"; (4) Though the introduced cultivars in the trail field can finish all of the growth period including germination, blooms, fruiting and defoliate, but the phenophase of both two cultivars was postponed 30th days than original place because of different temperature, The female cultivar "Kerman" need 150-155 days from fruiting to nut mature, the total of growth period was around 240 days. (5) Vegetable growth both introduced tree and grafted tree kept going well, the indexes of height and diameter were as same as original place, it was higher than same cultivars tree in Shufu county, and differentia showed salience by variance analyses. (6) The average size of the nuts harvested from introduced tree and grafted tree was around 1.970×1.231cm, the average weight of nut was 0.884g and the highest one was 1.25g, the average kernel ratio of each nut was 59.4 %, the average nut ratio of each fresh nut was 68.3 %, the average split ratio was 65%; The surface of the nut has stain plots because of precipitation in the nuts growth period. (7) The introduced cultivars put up overmuch of vegetable growth and insufficiency of procreation growth with 2.78 kg yield per tree only. (8) Ten kind of nutrition indexes from harvested nuts of introduced tree have been evaluated, all of the indexes were as same as commercial nut by lab analysis, but the kernel ratio and fat ratio showed salience differentia by variance analyses. (9) Both introduced trees and the grafted trees showed high cold resistance in the trail field. The introduced trees have never happened serious cold damage in the past 10 years without special field management. The grafted trees in the spring season have passed winter without any special protection, and the grafted tree in the summer season have passed winter with wrap seedling by straw. The introduced cultivars also showed early-spring cold resistance, Pollen germination ratio of male cultivar "Peter" got 72% when the temperature was only -6-2℃in its bloom period. (10) there were 3 kinds of diseases caused by fungus have appeared in the past 10 years, the disease named Botrysphaeria Panicle Blight is getting serious and devastating.

  • 【分类号】S664.9
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