

An Essay on Palmerston’s India Policies

【作者】 耿兆锐

【导师】 王加丰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 世界史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文着重从帕麦斯顿的政治哲学的角度来研究他的印度政策。 亨利·约翰·坦普尔·帕麦斯顿(1784—1865)是19世纪长期活跃于英国政坛与国际舞台上的著名政治家与外交家,热心于外交事务,是英国国家利益的坚定的捍卫者。帕麦斯顿信守保守的自由主义原则,他认为这一政治哲学能最好地保卫英国的国家利益,我们从其印度政策的制订中处处可以发现这一思想的指导作用。 保守自由主义是保守主义与自由主义的混合体,它兼有保守主义和自由主义的特点。 帕麦斯顿保守自由主义的保守性表现在:政治上向往秩序,致力于维护现存的制度及已经形成的国际均势,反对轻易改变现状;体现在对印政策上,就是维护英国在印度的既得利益及与其相关的现存国际经济、政治和军事秩序。为了保卫英属印度以及通往印度贸易通道的安全,从1830年到1865年,帕麦斯顿主政的英国在中近东和中亚分别与法国、俄国、阿富汗和波斯发生了冲突。 帕麦斯顿保守自由主义的自由性表现在:主张自由贸易,反对垄断,在条件具备时谋求新的发展并逐步适应形势的变化;体现在对印政策上,他废除了旧的重商主义殖民政策,实行代表工业资产阶级利益的自由贸易政策,向全体英国臣民开放印度市场。印度大起义被镇

【Abstract】 The dissertation discusses Palmerston’s India policy mainly from his political and philosophical points of view.Henry John Temple Palmerston, a well—known statesman and diplomat, was active in the British political arena and international stage for a long period of time (1830—1865) while in charge of British foreign affairs. He was interested in foreign affairs and was an unwavering defender of British interests. Being faithful to the principle of conservative-liberalism, he considered this kind of political philosophy to be the most useful in safeguarding Britain’s interests. We could find its guiding role everywhere in his establishing of the Indian policies.Conservative-liberalism was the blending of both conservatism and liberalism, and it. has the characteristics of both conservatism and liberalism simultaneously.The conservative aspect of Pamerston’s conservative-liberalism was manifested in many ways. He paid homage to order politically and applied himself to safeguard the existent systems and the formed international balance and opposed any alter of the status quo hastily. These characteristics were embodied in his India policies, namely, maintaining British vested interests and the relevant existent international order of the economy, politics and military affairs. For the purpose of the security of British India and the trade route to there, Britain conflicted with France, Russia, Afghanistan and Persia in Near and Middle East and Central Asia from 1830 to 1865 when Palmerston was one of the main leaders of the country.The liberal aspect of Pamerston’s conservative-liberalism was manifested in many ways, too. He advocated free trade and opposed monopoly. When the conditions were provided, he sought for new alternatives so as to make the country slowly adapt

  • 【分类号】K561.4
  • 【下载频次】144