

Research on the Properties and Applications of Metal Ultrafiltration Membrane

【作者】 刘再增

【导师】 张小章;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 核科学与技术, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 膜是重要的化工产品,在工业上主要应用于浓缩、纯化和分离。超滤则是目前应用最广、研究成果最多的膜过程。本文研究的对象为镍材料金属管状超滤膜。该膜曾在核技术领域大规模应用于气体扩散法分离铀同位素,集超滤膜、金属膜和管状膜的优点于一身。对超细金属分离膜的研究主要包括膜的性质和推广应用两方面。本文的目的是结合调研、理论推导和实验验证等方法,提出该膜在现代生活中推广应用是否实际可行的参考结论。膜孔是超滤膜性能的决定性参数,具体表现为平均孔径、孔径分布、孔隙率和孔表面积等。膜材料的纯度也对膜在实际应用中的表现有重要影响。本文针对膜孔和膜材料进行了多种途径的实验检测,得到了理想的实验结果。从而在原理上推断该膜除了原定用途之外,还可以扩展至目前的工业过滤分离领域。基于对膜性质研究的结果,本文展开了对膜的扩展应用的进一步实验研究。为保证应用实验能在最佳的环境下进行,使实验的结果对日后的工业应用具有参考价值,本文设计并采用有机玻璃材料制作了专门的实验组件,同时对原有的配套实验装置进行了改造。由于超滤膜主要应用于气体和液体分离,因而挑选了若干种典型的气体和液体样品进行了膜的扩展应用实验,并将实验结果送交权威机构进行检测。所有的实验结果都表明,此膜可以胜任目前绝大部分超滤膜在工业过滤分离领域的应用,且效果更好,经济性更高。此外,调研结果和对膜的改进试验显示,此膜还可能扩展至催化有机物转化制氢和纳米材料生产等用途。

【Abstract】 As an important chemical industrial product, membrane is used for concentration, purification and separation mainly. There are many kinds of membrane filtrations, and ultrafiltration is the most popular one. The objective of this thesis is nickel-base tubular ultrafiltration membrane, which was used for the gaseous diffusion process only in nuclear industry years ago.The research on the membrane is based on theoretical derivation and experiment. The purpose is to search other possible applications except for UF6 gas separation of the membrane.Pore is one of the most important parameters of membrane, and the material is another.“Pore”means the average pore size, the pore size distribution, the effective porosity and the specific surface area, pore volume, and so on.“Material”means the material and its purity of the membrane. This thesis carried out experiments for all of them and got good results. That meant the membrane could be used for many purposes, such as air filtration, pure water production, waste water treatment, juice filtration, and so on. Some of them are profitable.Based on the research results of properties above, the research on applications of the membrane were carried out. First of all, a set of device was designed and constructed. And then, a lot of gas and liquid specimens were filtered with the membrane and the device. Experiment results supported the conclusion above strongly. Further more, the membrane might be processed to use for hydrogen gas and nano-materials production.

【关键词】 超滤性质应用膜污染
【Key words】 MembraneUltrafiltrationPropertiesApplicationMembrane Pollution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】TB43
  • 【下载频次】139