

Study on Treatment of Dyestuff Wastewater by Combined Process Using Micro-Electrolysis and Fenton Oxidation

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 祁佩时;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 染料废水一般具有高浓度、高色度、成分复杂、难降解的特点,是一种典型的难降解有机废水,如果未经处理,直接排放,将对周围水体造成严重污染,影响人们的正常工作生活。采用常规的生物方法或物理化学方法又难以使其达标,是工业废水处理中亟待解决的一大难题。铁炭微电解-Fenton试剂氧化工艺具有投资少、运行成本低、设备占地面积小、工艺操作简单的特点,能显著提高废水的可生化性,有利于后续生物处理的进行。工艺中的铁粉取自工厂的废铁屑或者铁刨花,活性炭可以用粉煤灰或焦碳代替,具有“以废治废”的意义。本文以河南某染化厂的实际排放废水为研究对象,研究铁炭微电解法和Fenton试剂氧化法的原理、特点、影响因素以及在染料废水中的应用,在一系列静态试验的基础上,运用正交试验确定各影响因素的重要程度,进一步通过单因素影响试验,确定最佳的运行参数;从理论上论证铁炭微电解法和Fenton试剂氧化法联合的可能性,确定各影响因素的最佳值,最后通过染料废水处理典型实例和比较各生物处理工艺的优缺点,确定水解-好氧组合的处理工艺,并对运行成本进行初步分析。染料废水微电解试验表明:反应时间1h,进水pH 1-2,铁炭体积比1:1,COD的去除率达到22%;Fenton试剂氧化试验表明:在pH=3,温度40℃,反应时间30min,H2O2和FeSO4用量分别为40ml/L时,去除效果最好,COD去除率达到50%;微电解-Fenton氧化联合试验表明:H2O2的投加量10ml/L,反应时间60min,反应后pH调至8.5-9.0,PAM的投加量2ml/L,COD的去除率可以达到50%以上。

【Abstract】 Dyestuff wastewater is a typical kind of biorefractory wastewater with high concentration, high chroma, complicated component and low degradability. Because of this, it would hardly pollute the accepted water and have a bad influence on people’s normal life without being treated well. The traditional biological or physical chemistry treatment process can not make the effluent to meet the discharge standard. Thus, it is a difficult for us to solve the problem in industrial wastewater treatment.The process of Micro-electrolysis and Fenton reagent oxidation is characteristic of low investment, low running cost, small occupation of land, simple operating process. It is convenient for biological treatment with having improved the biodegradability of wastewater. In this process the iron is scrap iron or sheet iron from machine factory and activated carbon can be replace by coke and flue powder, so the significance of this process is making use of waste circularly.In this thesis, the object is practical wastewater from a dyestuff chemical plant in Henan. The principle, characteristic, effect factor and application in dye wastewater of Micro-electrolysis and Fenton reagent oxidation is studied. Based on a series of static experiments, the degree of importance of influence factors is determined by orthogonal experiment and the optimal operating parameters are determined by single factor experiment. And then the possibility of connecting micro-electrolysis with Fenton reagent oxidation is demonstrated in theory. At last biological treatment process is determined by comparing the disadvantage with the advantage of biological process and examples of dyestuff wastewater treatment and running cost is simply analyzed.The experiment result of dyestuff wastewater indicates that the optimal operating parameters are as follows:1. Micro-electrolysis: reaction time is 1 hour, pH value is 1-2, volume ratio of iron versus carbon is 1, and the COD removal efficiency is 22%.2. Fenton reagent oxidation: pH value is 3, temperature is 40 Celsius degree, reaction time is 30 minutes, the dosage of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】33
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