

Research on the Energy Efficiency and Economical Analysis of Heating Meter

【作者】 扈晓庆

【导师】 方修睦;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 鉴于我国在热计量与温控方面研究处于起步阶段,并且研究中出现了一些问题和争议,采暖系统实现热计量收费后,节能比例有多大?实行热计量后的节能收益是否大于热计量设备的投资问题,是国内争论的热点问题。本文针对这些问题进行了以下研究。根据热价制定的基本原则,分析了热价构成,并以本溪和营口为例,基于基本热费占总热费的比例,得出目前以及预测的热量热价和面积热价。当热作为商品,节能建筑安装热计量设备与温控装置后,用户可以充分利用自由热,自行调控室内温度,调动了用热和供热两个方面的积极性,进而促进节能。本研究对建筑物在不同情况下的节能率进行详细分解,给出了围护结构节能率η1、自由热节能率η2、行为节能率η3,以及相对不节能建筑的总节能率η和节能建筑的总节能率η’的定义及计算公式,并得出它们之间的关系式。应用EnergyPlus能耗分析软件,对气候区内几个典型城市的不节能建筑,节能50%建筑以及第三步节能目标下的节能建筑进行能耗模拟分析,得出一系列的节能率η1、η2、η3、η和η’。从全寿命分析的角度,根据不同热计量方案的投资和目前热价下热计量收益,确定不同热计量方案资金的投资回收期。

【Abstract】 Due to the research of heating meter and temperature control in our country at the first stage, some issues and problems has come out. The questions are how much the energy efficiency for heating meter system is, and whether energy saving profit is more than the investment of the epuipment. These are hot issues. This thesis makes reseach on the following.Based on the principle of heating tariff constitute, the structure of heating tariff was analysed. Take Yingkou and Benxi as example, the present and forecast heating tariff are obtained.When heat is as commodity, and heat measurement and temperature control are installed, residents can filledly use free heat. Adjusting temperature by residents encourage enthusiasm of users and heating company to enhance energy efficiency. This thesis devides the energy efficiency. The energy efficiency envelope insulationη1, the energy efficiency of free heatη2 , the energy efficiency of behaviorη3, the total energy efficiencyηrelative to the building without energy saving, and the total energy efficiencyη’relative to the building with energy saving are defined in the thesis, what’s more ,the relation among them are also given. By the energy simulation software EnergyPlus, the thesis give the simulation result of energy consumed for heating by the building without energy saving ,the building with 50% energy saving and the building with 65% energy saving in typical cities in different climate zone. On this basis, the thesis analyse the proportion of the energy consumed by the envelope, infiltration and free heat and achieve a series of energy efficiency such asη123,ηandη’.The thesis ascertain the callback period according to the investment of meter and the energy saving profit at the actual heating tariff on the condition of different manner of heating meter.

  • 【分类号】TU832.29
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】583