

System Moral

【作者】 卢楠楠

【导师】 田官贵;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放不断扩大,社会主义市场经济的深入发展,导致人们的思想观念日趋复杂,德育也面临着严重地挑战。为了摆脱目前的德育困境,就必须在德育的方法上进行不断地探索,不断地创新和发展德育理论。工程德育就是在这个大背景下提出来的。工程德育就是用工程思维的手段和方法来研究和处理德育中的问题,探索性地研究以“工程”思维中量化的方法对德育的促进作用。作为一种方法论德育,其理论还不是很成熟,随着时代不断向前发展,还需要吸收和借鉴相关学科的理论,对本学科的理论不断地加以创新和完善,真正的发挥工程德育的效用。 工程德育兴起于20世纪80年代,真正的实践开始于90年代,可以说是一个还处于起步阶段的新兴学科。作为方法论德育,其体系的根基还很不稳,还有很多工作要作。制度德育作为工程德育体系中的一员,担负着解决德育问题和促进德育理论发展的重要作用和使命;同时也是构建工程德育体系中不可缺少的一部分。 制度德育以“工程”思维的方法来研究德育中的问题,其思想是在德育中引进制度,与其说是一种创新,实为对已有德育方法的再认识和再运用。学校教育中的制度,是制度德育的一种实践性探索。但制度德育却不止于此,我们应深入研究制度对个体的行为的规范作用和对个体意识的形成的意义,以及制度德育作为一种方法论,应该研究制度德育对个体的德性的促进作用机理,及制度德育对社会道德风尚形成的促进作用;在理解制度对人的教育作用的同时,充分地利用制度对德育的功用。 制度德育作为工程德育的一个研究内容,体现了工程德育的基本理念和思想,探索德育的方法和途径,为德育方法论研究拓宽了思路,使人们的思维不停留在就方法找方法的圈子里。 总之,制度德育吸纳、引进和借鉴相关学科的理论及研究成果,对于构建工程德育的理论体系和方法体系具有十分重要的意义,而且对德育的实践有着十分重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With our country opening to the outside world expanding constantly, the further development of the socialist market economy, the way people thinking is becoming more complicated, the moral is challenged seriously too. In order to break away from this kind of Predicament, we should find some innovated moral methods, to develop the moral theories. Moral Project is put forward under this background. Moral Project is to deal with the moral problems with the means and methods of Project thinking, deeply study the promoting of moral from project thinking. Regarded as a method moral, the theories aren’t mature, just with the development of times, still need absorbing the theories from other course, in order to develop moral, realizing its needs.Moral Project has begun in the 1980s, but the real research of it has started since 1990s, in fact, it just in its childhood. As a method moral, the basement isn’t steady, a lot researches are needed to be done. System Moral is a family member of Moral Project, under the mission of solving the problems of moral and promoting the development of moral, what’s more, is a needed part of Moral Project.System Moral use the project thinking to solve moral problems, it plus system into moral, not a creation, in fact, it is to renew the moral method which has already existed. The system in school is first teacher of System Moral. But is not all, we should deeply study the promoting of somebody’s behavior and its thought, the promoting of society’s moral from system moral.System Moral as a researching part of Moral Project, respect the basic theories and thoughts of Moral Project, study the practice method of moral, enlarging the method of moral.In a word, System Moral has brought in and referred to the theoretical research results, which has very important realistic significance to build the theory and method system.

【关键词】 System MoralProject MoralMoral education
【Key words】 System MoralProject MoralMoral education
  • 【分类号】G410
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