

A Study on the Utilization Efficiency of Teacher’s Human Resources of Higher Education Institution

【作者】 叶珺

【导师】 赵恒平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 人是生产力诸要素中最积极、最活跃的因素,人力资源也是所有资源中最宝贵的资源。掌握现代科学文化知识的教师,是一个国家市场经济繁荣的核心。作为提高社会人力资源总体质量水平的重要环节的高等教育,其自身的人力资源质量则是保证和加强高等教育这个核心的重要因素。 然而,在我国现阶段,由于受经济和社会发展水平的制约,教师资源利用效率整体水平不高,主要表现在普通高校师资结构性短缺较为突出,高校教师结构不够合理以及教师资源流动缺乏合理性等方面,究其原因,主要在于:教师资源管理观念滞后;教师资源管理体制陈旧以及教师资源管理机制不够健全等。 以美国为代表的西方市场经济发达国家在发展高等教育的过程中,已经形成了一套适应市场经济环境的高等教育资源配置机制和管理经验。美国高校在教师资源管理体制上具有合同管理的法治性、教师考核制度的竞争性、师资管理制度的自主性、教师聘任制度的灵活性以及保障机制的激励性等特征,这些特征为美国高校教师资源利用效率的提高提供了制度保障。同时,美国高校在教师资源结构上突出表现为:师生比结构合理、拥有大量的高职称高学历教师、专兼职教师搭配得当,骨干教师的年轻化程度高以及教师来源多样等。完善的教师资源管理体制与合理的教师结构是提高高校办学效益和人员使用效率的内部因素。美国的经验说明,进一步推进教师管理制度改革,健全聘任制度,应成为高校深化改革的重要内容;教师资源是高校最重要的资源,优化教师资源结构是提高高校办学效益的关键;市场经济的发展要求竞争,特别是人力资源的竞争,高校只有真正引入竞争机制,才能真正调动教职工的积极性,提高教师资源的利用效率。 面对制约我国高校教师资源利用效率的不利因素,我们必须从我国高等教育发展的实际出发,借鉴美国高校发展的有益经验,把教师当作一种财富,系统地发展人的工作能力,在公平竞争的环境下,制定合理的教师资源政策,建立以个人的能力及体现个人能力的工作实绩为依据的人才录用、晋升、淘汰、分配体系;树立“以人为本”的管理理念,正确认识人的价值,发挥人的主观能动性,致力于人才的合理利用,做到教师资源管理方法的科学化、民主化、法制化;制定教师资源总体发展战略,使高校教师明确学校的发展方向、目标、工作重点,在学校发展战略的指导下,整合高校的教师队伍,提高教师的工作积极性和工作效率,从而提升内部的竞争能力,增强对外部环境的适应能力;加强高校教师资源制度建设,深化高校人力资源管理体制改革,为提高高校教师资源利用效率提供制度保障,使高校能更有效地利用教师资源,满足高等教育改革和发展的需要。

【Abstract】 Human is the most active factor of various essential factors in the productive forces. Human resource is also the most valuable in all of the resources. Mastering the human resource of modern scientific culture knowledge is the core which affects the prosperity of the market economy most seriously in a country. As a key point for improving the overall quality level of society human resources, the quality of higher education itself is an important factor for ensuring and enforcing this core.But ,in the current stage, because of the restriction of the economy and the social development level, the whole level of the teacher’s human resources utilization efficiency is not so high which is manifested in the following aspects such as the remarkable shortage of the teaching staff structure, teacher’s structure is not reasonable and flowing of the teacher’s human resources in the higher education institutions. There are four reasons, which contribute to the low level of human resources utilization efficiency. They are as followings: the first is the backward conception of the human resources allocation, the second is the old conception of the human resources allocation, the third is the restriction of the teacher’s human resources management system etc.During the development process of higher education, American, as a stereotype of the developed western countries has formed a series of higher education resources allocation and management system that are suitable to the market economy environment. The American higher education institutions appears some characteristics such as the nature of the contract management legitimation, the competitive character of the teacher evaluation system, the autonomy of the teaching force management, the flexibility of the engagement system of the teachers and the incentive nature of the ensuring. The above characters provide the improvement of the teacher’s human resource utilization efficiency with institution guarantee in American higher education. Meanwhile, the teacher’s human resource structure of the American higher education appears that: the ration of teachers to students is reasonable, the proper coordination of the teachers with higher professional title and high education background, the part-time and full-time teachers, the mainstay teachers tends to be younger and younger and the high level of the professional management team and the diversification of the teachers resources etc. The perfect of the teacher’s human resources management mechanism and the reasonable staff structure are the internal factors. From the experience of the American higher education institutions, we can concluded that:

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】601