

Study on the Measurement and Comparative Analysis of the Citroen’s Customer Satisfaction Index

【作者】 吕阳伟

【导师】 宋先道;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,关于顾客满意度理论的研究不仅是学术界,也是应用领域研究的一个热点。从世界范围看,瑞典、美国、新西兰、澳大利亚、韩国及台湾等都已建立了本国或者本地区顾客满意度模型。我国从1998年开始接触顾客满意度理论及相关实践,到现在为止,尝试这方面研究的学者很多,特别是质量管理界和营销界的许多学者都提出了具有独到见解的测评方法。然而,大多数还处于摸索阶段,已经建立的理论和模型不是很成熟,有待进一步的完善和发展。 本文对顾客满意度测评模型、测评方法体系进行了深入探讨,研究了顾客满意度测评的指标体系的设计;给出了操作性很强的具有比较功能的顾客满意度测评方法体系;测算了四大品牌的汽车顾客满意度并通过对上述结果的分析,验证了该模型和方法的可行性,为大规模推广该方法提供了理论支持并积累了实践经验。 本文深入地探讨了顾客满意度测评的理论与实践,其主要内容包括:首先,介绍了本文研究目的和意义,国内外对顾客满意度研究的现状及不足,本文的主要研究内容及将采用的研究方法;其次,分析了顾客满意度的概念、类型及特点,介绍了目前顾客满意度的测算模型,主要是KANO模型和ACSI模型,并对它们在实际应用上的优劣势进行了分析;第三,构建了顾客满意度测评的指标体系,介绍了有关权重设定的一些方法,阐述了问卷设计的一般原则,接着建立了具有比较功能的顾客满意度测算模型;第四,从调查问卷、调查人员、抽样方案、实施过程等几个方面介绍了调研项目的具体情况,列举了本次测算的结果,主要是各项指标的满意度实际感受值、期望感受值、权重的排名以及四大品牌汽车的各项指标满意度排名,并以雪铁龙汽车为基础,主要从消费者情况及各项指标两个方面进行了对比分析;第五,在前面分析的基础上,针对雪铁龙汽车的优势和不足之处提出了相应的增强和解决的方案;最后则是总结与展望。本文采用的方法有:文献法、数学建模法、调查法、图表法、统计法、对比分析法等方法。 本文的研究成果主要有四点:(1)具有比较功能的顾客满意度测算模型的建立;(2)测算雪铁龙汽车的顾客满意度以及其主要竞争产品的顾客满意度;(3)雪铁龙顾客满意度与其竞争产品顾客满意度的对比分析;(4)基于对比分析的顾客满意度提升策略。

【Abstract】 At present, the research on the theory of customer satisfaction is a hotspot not only in academe, but also in the application field. In the world, Sweden, America, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and Taiwan had established the customer satisfaction model. In China, the research on customer satisfaction began at 1998, and now, a lot of scholars especially in quality management and marketing field have given their own methods. But, the theories and models built-up are not mature absolutely, most of which are in the exploration and need more development and improvement.The theoretic model of customer satisfaction, the measurement system of customer satisfaction will be explored in this thesis thoroughly. The thesis also establishes an exercisable model, which was proved in the survey of CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) of four brands of cars.This thesis can be divided into several parts:In the first part, the author expounds the purpose and the meaning of consumer satisfaction, and introduces the situation of research and developing trend around home and overseas, and puts forward the main research idea and research methodologies; In the second part, the author introduces the relative theories, which contains the definition, types and characteristics of CSI, and the author also talks about the theoretic models of customer satisfaction - KANO model and ACSI model, especially their advantages and disadvantages in practical application; In the third part, the author forms the index system and a way to calculate their important degree, and explains the main principles to design a questionnaire, and the comparable system of measurement of customer satisfaction was established at last; In the forth part, the author introduces the basic situation of project, such as targets, objects, the method to select the sample, etc., and gives the results of the questionnaire, for example, the actual value and expected value of each single factor, the weights, the CSI of every factor of every brand, and made a contrastive analysis of the results between the Citroen and other brands at last; In the fifth part, the author gives some methods to enhance the advantages and to improve the disadvantages of the Citroen; In the last part, it is the conclusion and prospect. In this thesis, many research methods will be adopted, such as literature, case study, investigation, graphology, statistics, and comparative analysis.The productions of this thesis included four points: firstly, the establishment of the comparable system of measurement of customer satisfaction index; secondly, the CSI of four brands of cars; thirdly, the contrastive analysis of customer satisfaction index; at last, and the ways to improve CSI based on contrastive analysis.

  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】766