

Research on Information System Integration Technology Based on Multi-platform for Building Material Enterprise

【作者】 李永强

【导师】 杨明忠;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,网络技术的兴起使人类社会进入了信息时代。随着全球市场的逐步形成,以客户的需求为导向的商业竞争越来越激烈,对建设项目水平的要求也发生了较大的变化。建设项目由单一功能向复杂功能转变,业主由原先单纯追求低成本向追求高价值转变,使工程建设行业面临新的挑战。对于传统的工程项目,它的建设各个阶段是彼此分离的,这种信息流通不畅的管理模式已经越来越不能适应现代化工程项目建设的要求,建设项目管理模式的改革己势在必行。 大量的工程实践表明,建设项目中超投资、超工期等问题发生的主要原因是由于缺乏足够的信息沟通和共享。具体建设项目的有关信息只有实现在该项目参与各方之间、在项目管理的全过程的集成,才能满足现代项目管理的需要,提高项目管理水平。本文的主要工作内容如下: 1.研究了基于Lotus Domino/Notes平台集成文档数据库与关系数据库的关键技术:即系统安全性与权限控制、公文流转、数据一致性等,并提出相应的解决方案。在此基础上得到了办公自动化与项目管理系统的集成解决方案。 2.基于所给出的解决方案,详细分析和讨论了两系统之间数据交互的实现技术,重点论述了接口函数的实现。 3.通过Lotus代理类很好地实现了办公自动化与项目管理系统之间的集成,成功地解决了多平台环境下异构数据库集成中的若干关键问题。 4.已经成功地将办公自动化与项目管理系统的集成解决方案应用到建材行业信息管理系统中,其应用结果表明该解决方案对于建材行业信息管理是可行的。

【Abstract】 In recent years, mankind has entered into the information times with the development of network technology. With the formation of the global market, customer demand-oriented business competition is more and more vigorous, and the level demand for construction projects has considerably changed. There is a huge conversion for projects from one single function to complex functions, the owners have changed their pursuing goals from low-cost to high-value, and make the engineering construction industry to face new challenges. For the traditional engineering projects, their construction stages are separated one another. This kind of the management model for the information flow has become increasingly unable to meet the demands of the modern engineering projects, and therefore the reform of the construction project management has become very necessary.A great deal of engineering practices has been confirmed that there are difficulties in construction project management mainly due to the lack of enough information communication and shares, and the super investment and super time limit for a project are the main problems in construction project management. During the life cycle of the project, it is necessary to integrate the whole construction process, and improve their communication environment and realize the share of their information between all participants involved in the project. The main contents worked by the author are as follows:1. Based on the file database and relation database of Lotus Domino/Notes, the key technical problems, such as the system security, authority control, document transmission and data consistency are studied. The corresponding solution is also presented. According to this solution, the integration of the office automation and engineering project management are realized.2 On the basis of the solutions put forward, the technique of mutual implementation data between two systems has been discussed in detail. By means of the multi-platform, the key problem of the integration technology for heterogeneous database has been solved successfully.3. By means of Lotus agency, the integration of the office automation and engineering project management is realized, and also under the multi-platform environment the integration technology of the different databases is solved successfully.4. The integration system of the office automation and engineering project management are applied successfully for the information management in the building material enterprises. The application results show that this solution system is feasible for the information management in the building material enterprises.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】123