

Research on the Transmission of Pilot Protection by Using Optic Cable Self-Healing Rings

【作者】 赵厚滨

【导师】 陈歆技; 吴杰; 翟学锋;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 电气工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 继电保护是电力系统安全稳定运行的重要保障。220kV及以上等级的线路主保护均采用纵联保护。保护装置除测量、采集和控制部分外,还需要传输通道将信息准确、可靠、迅速地传送出去,使故障在最短时间内被切除。光纤具有对电不敏感的特性,抗干扰能力极强,传输容量非常大,用光纤作为保护的通道介质,优势独特。因此,作为220kV及以上电压等级系统的主保护,线路光纤纵联保护装置越来越多地被应用。但是使用原有的专用光纤通道的方式,资源浪费严重,而且为单一通道。而随着电力通信专网的快速发展,SDH光纤自愈环网有同步复用、标准光接口、强大的网管能力以及短时实现故障自恢复等特点,在江苏电力通信专网被广泛使用,由此设想利用SDH自愈光纤通信网传输继电保护信号。这无论对于增加继电保护传输通道的可靠性,还是光纤资源的合理利用都将有十分巨大的实用价值。由于苏州地调既有多年光纤保护的运行经验,又有完善的SDH光纤自愈通信环网。苏州地调具备了利用光纤自愈环网进行继电保护信息传输试验研究的物质条件。于是选择了一条220kV线路上的金山变和狮山变两个变电站,原因是两个变电站都处于不同的光纤自愈环网中。只要做适当的调整,可以将两个变电所接入同一个SDH光纤自愈环中。这样就能进行全面的通道测试,试验条件较为理想。认真研究保护对通道的要求,分析保护的传输格式,探讨光纤自愈网的自愈特性和传输时延特性,做了大量基础试验,得出了只有采用复用段倒换环保护模式的SDH光纤自愈环网才能满足输电线路纵联电流差动保护对于通道收发一致性的要求等重要结论。在进行的带负荷通道切换试验结果表明在光纤自愈环切换和恢复过程中,线路纵联保护没有异常和动作报告,说明保护装置完全能在通信环网的缆路或设备异常情况下安全运行。在完成了通道参数测试后,在金山变、狮山变二侧分别进行了各类故障模拟试验,保护设备动作情况正常。SDH光纤自愈环网的线路纵差(联)保护运行稳定可靠。保护装置和通信通道的运行情况良好,运行至今未出现异常和故障。

【Abstract】 Relay protection plays the increasingly important role of safety and reliability in the electric power system. Pilot protections are widely used as main protection on the transmission lines of 220KV and 500KV. Protection equipments not only include departments of measurement, gathering and control but also need to send protection information correctly and quickly in order to cut off the faults in a short time. The characteristics of optic cable can meet the expectation because of its structure. Optic cables are used to transmit transmission lines pilot protection information as main protection in recent years. But the original methods of using private optic cable are waste of resources. As the quick development of electric power communications SDH self-healing networks are used widely in the electric power system. SDH is a short way of saying“Synchronous Digital Hierarchy”. SDH can multiplex many services such as telephone, data, fax, voice and so on. It has international standards, standard optic interface and powerful network management. It has the function of self-healing when the transmission channels are interrupted. So we think if we can use SDH self-healing networks of electric power private communication to send and receive pilot protection information such as directional comparison pilot protection and current differential pilot protection. If success, we can save more resources at one time it has titanic application values. We select two substations in the city of Suzhou. They are Jinshan substation and Shishan substation. The reason we selected was that the two substations are located in different SDH self-healing rings. We can adjust easily. We study the characteristics of SDH and analyze the transmission structures of protection. After many experiments, we draw important conclusions. One of them is that only multiplex section Switched Ring of SDH can meet the requirement of current differential pilot protection. After we tested the time delay of channels of all kinds of pilot protection we use SDH self-healing ring to transmit pilot protection. We simulated many faults of transmission lines and SDH self-healing ring. The results indicate that protection equipments acted correctly and run well. So far the SDH self-healing ring transmits the information of pilot protection well between Jinshan substation and Shishan substation correctly, quickly and reliably.

【关键词】 纵联保护SDH光纤自愈环倒换时延差动
【Key words】 pilot protectionSDHoptic cableself-healing ringswitchdelaycurrent differential
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】TM773
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】652