

An Experimental Study of Communicative Grammar Teaching in Junior College

【作者】 罗虹

【导师】 刘书林;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 传统观念强调语法知识为英语教学中最重要的因素,以至把知识教学作为英语教学目的,而完全忽视了学生能力的培养。随着语言学、心理学和教育学的发展,人们对外语教学有了新的认识,语法的定义也赋予了新的涵义。这种新的涵义实际上反映了一种新的语言观念。这种新观念并不把语言仅仅解释为一种知识体系或规则,而更加强调语言作为交际工具的本质意义。从而必然要求对传统的语法教学进行改革,提倡运用交际法教学。 本文探讨了语言形式教学在运用交际教学法时的必要性和作用,教师应具有的认识和教学方法与技巧。提出了运用交际教学方法来处理语言形式教学,融语言形式和语言功能教学为一体。因此有助于改变传统、低效的以语言知识为目的的英语教学状况,从而转变到教语言、教交际的教学目标之上。本文还探讨了一些以交际为目的的语法教学活动与形式。通过这些教学活动,让学生循序渐进地获得语言知识能力,更主要的是综合使用语言的能力。使学生更清楚地意识到语言的交际功能,从而增强学习动机和提高学习效果。 另外,本文还通过一个实验来测试交际教学能否和语法教学整合,对交际法语法教学和传统的语法教学进行了对比,研究和探讨了在英语语法教学中运用交际法能否收到效果,交际法模式下的语法教学效果是否优于传统模式下的语法教学效果。作者对实验班和控制班进行了前测和后测,在为期六周的教学实验中对控制班实行传统的语法翻译法,实验班则采用交际法。文章还就实验结果对两种教学法在课堂上所反映出来的主要差异以及对我们教学的启示做了分析和归纳。研究结果表明交际法比传统的语法翻译法有更多的优势。

【Abstract】 Grammatical knowledge is traditionally viewed as the most important so that formal instruction is made the goal of English language teaching and the ability of using the language is totally neglected. With the development of linguistics, psychology and pedagogy, people are taking a new look at foreign language teaching, and grammar is also endowed with a new meaning, which reflects on a new linguistic conception. This new conception regards language not merely as a system of rules, but a tool for human communication. And accordingly, the traditional methods of teaching grammar should be reformed and the communicative approach is advocated.This thesis aims to explore the necessity and the function of the formal instruction in the adaptation of CLT to ELT in China, some theory and notions which Chinese English teachers should maintain, and then puts forward the possible ways of formal instruction through communicative approaches, integrating language forms into language functions in order to make a change of the inefficiency of ELT in China’s situation to a more efficient teaching objective: communicative competence. This thesis also explores some teaching activities of grammatical instruction for a communicative purpose. By doing these activities, the learners can consciously be aware of the communicative function of the language and they can systematically obtain grammatical competence, and the other three competences.In addition, an experiment was conducted to test whether Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) can be integrated to grammar teaching. The pre- and post-test were conducted to both the experimental class and the control class. During the six-week experiment, the control class was taught in traditional Grammar-Translation Method; however, the experimental class was treated with CLT. Results from the study indicate CLT has more advantages than traditional Grammar-Translation Method.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】406