

The Theory and Practice of Academic Communication in Establishing Learning Type Hospital

【作者】 姜雷

【导师】 于双成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共卫生, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 学习型组织理论是当今世界最前沿的管理学理论之一,为世界知名企业广为应用和实践。创建学习型医院是将此理论应用于医院建设之中,促进医院与时俱进,跟上时代的步伐,永葆医院发展活力和创新潜质。本文通过对学习型组织理论、知识管理、学习型医院概念的了解,深入研究创建学习型医院的必要因素,通过大量的实践研究及其产生的研究结果,分析论证了学术交流对促进学习型医院的形成具有至关重要的作用。提出了进一步完善学术交流管理机制,促进创建学习型医院的发展进程。

【Abstract】 Accompany with the arriving of knowledge and economy era, science and technique have get striking development with the emerging of lots of new knowledge continuously, simultaneously numbers of new medical theory and technique have arisen. Establishment of the learning type organization and society has become to urgent requirement. For the hospital that is knowledge-intensive organization, it is necessary to change its model to learning type to fit the increasing competition and to lead the way in the medical market. It has been proved that the learning type organization was not only effective to all kinds of enterprises, but also suitable to hospitals which was in the nature with intensive knowledge, intensive technique and intensive intelligence and were organized with business management model. By collecting and summarizing large numbers of practical experiences, the author analyzed the significance of academic communication which is important in the establishing of learning type hospital, especially for the mechanism:1. Establishment of the learning type organization actually is the process of the promotion the learning of the team of the organization. The foundation of the learning type hospital has the learning behavior characteristics which include the improvement of the group intelligence quotient, the enhancement of the learning ability of the employees which is very important in boosting the science and technology innovation and improvement the whole strength of the hospital. Convenient learning route and good learning environment should be provided to the employees by launching academic communication. It needs build the correct objectives, choose better contents, and take effective pathways and proper forms which are in light of the specialty of the hospital and the organization of hospital academic communication. Individual study is the fundamental unit of learning organization and team study is the best way. Team study can promote the study

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】250