

A Study of the Action-oriented Teaching Mode in Technical and Vocational Education

【作者】 张皓明

【导师】 章伟民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年,中国职业技术教育发展迅速,同时中国遇到了发展成为“世界制造中心”、成为制造强国的良好机遇,从而职业教育成为全社会的热点。在2005年11月召开的全国职教会议上,国务院作出了“大力发展职业教育”,“从战略意义上重视职业教育”的决定,人们更加关注职业技术教育。如何客观地分析形势,与时俱进,采取有效的措施来实现职业教育“以就业为导向,以能力为本位”的培养目标,已成为摆在我们面前的一项重要任务。但是用传统的灌输式的职业教育教学模式去培育新世纪具有世界竞争力的人才,特别是能够解决实际问题的应用型人才却使我们感到力不从心。这一状况严重影响了我国职业教育质量的提高,职业教育教学改革势在必行。 德国的职业教育被认为是二战后创造经济奇迹的秘密武器,曾引起世界的瞩目。进一步的研究表明,德国的职业教育在内部是得益于教学方法的持续改进,在外部是得益于政府制立的法律和政策。而行动导向教学模式又因其在培养和提高学生的全面素质和综合职业能力方面起着十分重要的作用,成为职教内部教学改革的一个亮点。因此,行动导向教学模式在德国职教界受到极其广泛的重视,被誉为德国职业教育的“锐利工具”。 虽然自上个世纪90年代以来,我国职业学校的课程与教学改革发展很快,但绝大多数都把注意力放到了课程方案的设计和教材的编写上,对于教学领域涉足很少,使教学环节成为课程改革成果最终落实的障碍。本文选定在德国已经广为推广并收效颇丰的行动导向教学模式为研究对象,通过对德国职业教育教学中广泛倡导的的行动导向教学模式的分析和探索,结合这一课题在我国的借鉴、推广和应用,笔者联系自己的教学实践,给出了具体教学案例。最后归纳它对中国职业教育提供的几点启示。职业教育教学改革任重道远,希望我的研究能为提高我国职业教育的教学质量,促进我国职业教育教学改革贡献微薄之力。

【Abstract】 In the last few years, Technical and Vocational Education in China has developed rapidly. At the same time, China catches an excellent opportunity that becomes the "world manufacturing center" and great power on manufacturing, so Technical and Vocational Education becomes a hot topic of the whole society. The State Department made the decisions about "develop strongly vocational education" , "pay more attention to the vocational Education strategically " on the National Vocational Education Conference in November, 2005, so people are more concerned about the development of the technical and vocational education. It has become an important mission for us to how to analyze current objectively and take effective measures to achieve Vocational Education’s cultivate goals -"obtaining employment as lead" and "ability as basis". -But now we find that our abilities are not equal to our ambition to develop solving-practical -problem oriented applied talents when we use traditional and spoon-feed vocation education mode to train talents with the world competition ability in new century. This condition affects seriously our country Vocation education’ development, so it’s necessary to reform current vocational Education mode.German vocational education is appraised secret weapon of the economic miracle post world war II, once aroused focus attention upon the world. The further research indicates that inner vocational education in Germany benefited from keeping on improving teaching method and exterior vocational education benefited from government policy and statute. And action-oriented teaching mode plays a important role on developing and improving student’s comprehensive character and integrated vocational ability, and it becomes a focus star in inner education reform. Therefore, the action-oriented teaching mode gets very valued extensive recognition in Germany, was praised " sharp tool" of vocational education field in Germany.Although since 90’s of last century, the course and education reform of our country occupation school developed fast. But most of people focused on the design of curricular and compilation of the teaching material. On contrast, seldom set foot into the teaching field, which making the teaching become the obstacle of course reformation’s carrying out .This thesis aims to get some revelation on vocational education in China, give relevant didactical cases combined with own practical teaching and reference, spread, application of action-oriented teaching mode in Germany through analyzing and exploring action-oriented teaching mode popularized widely during the German vocational education. The reform of vocational education is arduous task, so this thesis hope to make some contribution to improve our country’s vocational education level and accelerate our country’s vocational education reform by selecting action-oriented teaching mode spreading widely in Germany with excellent effects .

  • 【分类号】G712.4
  • 【被引频次】46
  • 【下载频次】3114