

The Ancient Poem in the Primary School Chinese and Aesthetical Education

【作者】 王晨

【导师】 方克强;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 古诗教学在整个语文教育中有很重要的地位,在整套义务教育语文新编教材中古诗文约占百分之三十。目前,小学古诗教学中存在的主要问题是各种版本选诗数量多寡不一,教学时间偏少。由于受应试教育的影响,方法上偏重于理性积累,以背诵、默写、解释为主,轻感性体验。本论文从审美教育的角度论述关于小学古诗教育、教学问题。 古诗审美教育可以培养学生语感,提高学生语言能力;启迪学生智慧,发展学生思维;净化学生情感、陶冶学生性情;美化学生心灵,培养学生品德,小学古诗审美教育的功能是不可忽视的。 小学阶段古诗的数量虽然不很大,但从中可以反映出中国古典诗歌发展的面貌和取得的成就,包含着极为丰富的美育资源。古诗中的语言美表现在独特的音乐美、语言的精确、凝练和朦胧美,这是其它文学体裁所不能企及的。同时,古诗中诗情画意的意境以及形象化的哲理,也是熏陶小学生思想品德的宝贵资源。 从教育学的角度说,学生的身心发展的现实状况和发展规律是教育的基础,它制约着教育整体。古诗审美教育与学生的身心发展有着内在的联系,在这个意义上,进行小学古诗审美教育就有必要先了解小学生审美心理发展的现实状况及其规律和小学生的综合性心理特征。 教学原则,是按照教学规律,根据教学目的,考虑教学内容的特点所制订的处理教学中的主要矛盾关系并对教学方法起指导作用,为教学活动所必须遵循的基本要求和一般原理。古诗的审美教育是在教育领域展开的特殊审美活动,它以一般性的文学审美欣赏活动为基本的开展方式,又借这种审美欣赏活动的过程本身和成果性的美感来发展学生的各种心理能力,完善心理结构,实现陶冶学生情感的根本目的,所以,古诗审美教育的教学原则应当是文学审美欣赏活动的原理和教育、教学活动原理的结合与统一。 我们结合审美活动和教育活动的原理,制订以下几项古典诗词审美教学的基本原则:形象性原则;情感体验性原则;学生主体的个体性原则;协同融合性原则。 小学古诗的审美教育,首先是审美欣赏活动,是在审美欣赏活动中获得审美感受的基础上对学生进行的情感教育,所以必须遵循这一规律,从古诗作品的形象出发。形象性是儿童审美思维心理过程中的一个重要特点。儿童的直观心理特征不仅表现于感知,也表现于思维。他们的思维是形象性的,具有可感、跳跃等特点,小学古诗中的形象是感性的、具体的、特殊的。

【Abstract】 Ancient poem teaching is a main role in the Chinese education; it is about 30 percent of whole New Compulsory Education Teaching Materials. At present, the main argument in this is that the number of Ancient poem is different between different versions and arranged teaching-time is too less. Due to the present bread-and-butter teaching systems, the teaching is focused mainly on some logos and simple ways such as reciting, writing from memory, explaining, but on geist way. This context will discuss about the educating and teaching ways of Ancient poem teaching in the Primary School from tasting aesthetic views.Appreciating ancient poem can help students in language feeling and skill, can edify them in wisdom and thinking, can refine them in sensibility and temper, can beautify their soul and moral characters, so that which could not be ignored in the Primary School education.Though the number of Ancient poem is not very big during the term of the Primary School education, but from this, it can still be seen what achievement and visage of Chinese Ancient poem is by the student, which is a rich resources of aesthetical teaching. The beauty of Ancient poem is represented via its own characters of accuracy, condensation and fugue; also it is like as music, those cannot be reached by other literature form. In the meantime, artistic and imaged philosophy conception of the poem is also the precious resources that can edify student’s thoughts and moral character.In the view of pedagogy, it is an educational foundation to make the student’s mind and body develop healthily under the realistic condition and regulation, which is guiding the education system on. The education of tasting ancient poem is very close and inherent relation to the development of student’s mind and body. To carry on this education, the first step is to understand what the pupil’s mental development is in aesthetical appreciating and their comprehensive mental characteristic.Teaching principle is a basic demand and general rule, which has to be kept to and be according to teaching regulation and the teaching purpose, considering the characteristics of courses to process the main self-contradict relation and have instruction function to the teaching method. The ancient poem is a special activity of appreciating beauty, which is going on general literature education. Furthermore, by dint of this kind of process and achievement of appreciating beauty, the basic purpose can be reached to develop the student’s various mental ability, perfect their mental structure, and edify their nice mental world. So, teaching principle of ancient poem’s appreciating beauty should be a combination and unification of the principle the literature activity with the principle of education and teaching activity.We combine the principle of appreciating beauty activity with the

  • 【分类号】G623.2
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