

Water-Price Study of Water Project of Gansu Province

【作者】 孟兆芳

【导师】 白丹; 杜成义;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 甘肃省地处内陆,降雨稀少,水资源短缺,随着社会和国民经济的快速发展,水资源供需矛盾越来越突出。价格是宏观配置资源的重要手段。在市场经济条件下,按照市场经济规律,研究合理的水利工程供水价格机制,进一步深化水价改革,已成为甘肃省水利发展与改革的一项重要课题。 本文通过对甘肃省大中型水利工程水价现状的调查,以合理水价形成机制为理论框架,评价分析水价改革现状,理清水价改革思路,提出充分体现甘肃省水资源紧缺状况,以节水和合理配置水资源、促进水资源可持续利用为核心的水价机制和水价改革体系,合理确定甘肃省水价改革目标,提出符合甘肃省经济社会发展水平、水资源特性和可操作性强的水价改革措施。 全文以甘肃省水价改革进程为基础,调查了全省大中型水利工程1996年、1999年、2004年的水价、成本情况以及“十五”期间水价改革进展及现状情况;以合理水价形成机制为出发点和主线,从水利工程良性运行、水资源节约配置、用水群众权益保障等三个方面分析合理水价形成机制的功能和特征,从社会因素、自然因素、市场因素三个方面分析影响水价形成的环境和条件,从水价管理、成本管理、水费管理三个方面分析水价形成机制的关键环节;以水价改革现状评价分析为重点,从水价政策文件、水价管理体制、水价、成本、水费收入、节水效果等方面对“十五”期间水价改革进行总体评价,同时从水价水平、供水成本、水费计收使用、水价改革外部条件等方面对水价改革现状进行深入评价;以确定“十一五”水价改革目标、任务为根本和落脚点,在分析问题、找出差距的基础上,结合甘肃省省情、水情的实际和水利发展改革的需要,提出甘肃省水价改革的思路、原则、目标、任务内容以及对策措施,指导全省逐步建立有利于

【Abstract】 Due to the location of Gansu Province is in the north-west of China, where the rainfall is very little, the problem of demanding and supporting of water-resources is getting more and more serious with the rapid development of society and economics. The adjustment of price is a main method to the macroscopic management of the resources; and it is a very important issue to the development and reform of our province to work out a reasonable system for water distribution, which is a further step in the reform of water prices, according to the law of market economy.We have as following based on the investigation to water price for water conservancy with large or middle-scale and the mechanism formed by reasonable water price:(l)Analyze the reformed water-price(2)Make a clear thought of the reformation of water-prices(3)Provide the mechanism for water-price and its reformation to fit Gansu Province by the means of saving water, using water-resource reasonably and improving the water-resource use continuously based on the serious shortage of water in our province.(4)Provide the characteristic of water-resource and reformed measures which is manageable and reasonable to our provinceFirstly, the water-price and its cost for from large scale to middle scale water conservancy in our province in 1996,1999 and 2004 have been investigated and so has the development of water-price reformation during "tenth-five"(the tenth five-year plan). Secondly, the function and characteristic for water-price to form reasonably has been discussed from run-well water conservancy engineering, efficiently used water-resource and the people’s interests. The factors to form water-price such as

  • 【分类号】F426.91
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