

Hydrodynamic Analysis of Anisotropic Very Large Floating Structure

【作者】 刘磊

【导师】 宗智;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 关于超大浮体(VLFS)的研究开始于上个世纪八十年代。1991年,在美国的夏威夷召开了第一次关于VLFS的国际性会议。在那次会议之后,陆续有关于VLFS的文章发表。目前,VLFS的研究工作在ITTC和ISSC中占据了很重要的地位。全世界每年有超过100篇的论文发表。在我们国家,吴有生院士是第一个将这个概念引入学术领域的人。此外,他还推荐王大云和杜双兴两位博士与国外的研究人员共同合作,使用三维水弹性理论研究VLFS。 超大浮体的用途主要表现在三个方面:作为科研基地,开发海洋资源;作为解决陆地资源匮乏的手段之一。 研究VLFS的方法主要有两种,即直接法和模态分析法。大多数研究中使用的模态分析法,在使用这种方法时频率的计算是很重要的。最近的几年,直接法也逐渐被采用。关于VLFS研究的发展趋势主要分四个部分:复杂海洋环境中的响应;计算效率的提高;非线性的影响;简单的估计方法的探求。 在本文的研究中,主要使用了直接法。取一正交异性的矩形层合板模型作为研究对象,它由两层单层板组成,长为1000米,宽为500米。将其分为625个小的矩形板单元。在流体部分的计算中采用布源法,求得每个小单元形心处的源强。结构部分的计算采用了4节点矩形单元,通过确定层合板的广义刚度系数得到单元的弹性矩阵,并组成结构的总刚度阵。之后,将水动力附加系数加到结构的刚度阵和质量阵中进行求解。 当然,本文中还有很多不足之处。由于计算机的内存限制,只划分了625个单元,精度上是比较差的。此外在流体与结构的耦合方法上也有可以改进的地方。这些缺憾,如果以后有机会再进行这方面的研究一定会进一步完善。

【Abstract】 The research of Very Large Floating Structure(VLFS) started at the end of 80s last century. The first international conference about VLFS was hold in Hawaii of USA at 1991. After that some papers were published. The research about VLFS plays an important role in ITTC and ISSC at present. More than 100 papers will be published all over the world every year. In our country, the first man who brought into contact with this concept is Mr. Wu Yousheng. Moreover, he sent two Doctor, Wang Dayun and Du Shuangxing, to work with researcher of other country using 3-D Hydroelasticity Theory.The VLFS has three ways of using: as a scientific base; solving the lacking of land; as a martial base.There are two methods of research about VLFS, direct method and analytical method of mode. Method of mode was used in most of research. The computation of frequency is important as using this method. In later years, the direct method was used gradually. The main developing trend of research about VLFS contains four parts: responses in complicated environment of ocean; enhance the efficiency of computation; influence of non-linear; simple method of estimating about capability.In my research, direct method was used. I assumed a composite material rectangle model as my studying object, with 1000 meters long and 500 meters wide. It is divided into 625 smaller rectangles. Then I dispose fountainhead in each rectangle. The computation of intensity is using the method of Green function; The computation of the structure was using Finite Element Method. 4-nodes parameter element was used in each structural element. After that, I add hydro-coefficients to the matrix of the structure to compute the displacement.There are many deficient points in my thesis, such as the precision of computation, the coupling method between liquid and solid, and so on. All of them can be improved in my further research.

  • 【分类号】U661.1
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