

【作者】 袁华彬

【导师】 刘子安;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目前中国手机的生产能力已经达到了全球的1/3强,并且很有可能在未来几年占据全球产量的60%以上。中国手机业在全球已处于重要地位。在中国,民族手机厂商1和国际手机厂商两大阵营竞争激烈,民族手机份额从1999年以前的0%高速增长到2003年的55%,然后又降到2005年30%。目前民族手机的销售额占中国全部电子信息制造业的12%,中国手机已成为国家重要的产业之一。所以分析民族手机市场现状和研究民族手机竞争力提升的策略是非常必要的。在本文中本人将结合自己将近7年在作为手机芯片方案供应商的摩托罗拉/飞思卡尔的工作经历,首先对民族手机厂商的发展及市场现状和主要手机厂商的策略加以介绍,并基于SWOT模型来分析民族手机厂商的优劣势,威胁和机会,最后提出从八个方面提高民族手机企业竞争力的对策,包括技术含量,管理能力,产品差异化,售后服务,海外市场扩展,产品品牌,公司间的合作及战略重组或战略联盟。

【Abstract】 Current Mobile Phone manufacture capacity of China already reach more than 1/3 of the world’s, and it is going to to reach 60% in coming 4 years。So China Mobile Phone industry plays very important role in worldwide。In China, there is big competition between Local manufacture and international manufacture。In 2003, market share of local phone manufacture was quickly increased to 55% from 0% in 1998, but it again reduced to 30% in 2005。Sales revenue of Mobile phone holds 12% of China IT industry in China, Mobile phone become one of most important industry in China。So it is necessary to analyze local made phone status and to study the strategy to improve local phone competition ability。With my 7 years experience in Mobile phone solution provider Motorola/ Freescale, I will introduce Local manufacture development experience in mobile phone and analyze strategy of major phone player in China, then I will analyze the SWOT of local manufactures。Finally I bring out the strategy of local manufactures to improve competition ability based on 8 areas, including Technology, management ability, product differentia, after sales service, Oversea market, cooperation and reorganization between companies。

  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】531