

【作者】 梁艳敏

【导师】 盛建明;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际法, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在多边贸易体制下,各个国家的农产品贸易政策受到多边贸易规则的约束和限制。对此,各国都积极利用参与制订国际贸易规则的权利,在多边贸易谈判中维护和实现本国利益。缘于历史的巧合,2001年我国加入WTO时适逢多哈发展议程的多边贸易谈判成功启动。在新一轮多边贸易谈判中农业谈判是核心,也是发展中国家和发达国家谈判冲突的焦点。对新一轮农业谈判的研究和提出法律对策,有助于我国在后续谈判中更好地维护自身的权益,有助于我国政府及时根据新一轮谈判的发展趋势完善农业法律体系建设,促进中国农业更好地参与国际竞争。本文回顾了关税与贸易总协定(GATT1947)有关农产品的规定和WTO《农业协定》的谈判、发展历程,审视了WTO《农业协定》的内容、作用和国际贸易中的历史贡献以及现实局限性,特别是伴随全球贸易自由化,WTO《农业协定》执行中存在的问题已全面暴露,欧美等发达国家利用其国力雄厚的优势大打贸易战。为推动经济全球化的需要,世贸组织各方积极启动了新一轮多边贸易谈判。本文历数新一轮农业贸易谈判中,农业谈判一波三折的发展进程,欣喜于多哈《农产品框架协议》和《香港宣言》所取得的成果,认真审视和分析后续谈判中存在的困境,环顾谈判集团各自立场和分歧,以期寻求打破谈判僵局的方法,并对多哈谈判进入“休眠”后的前景进行了展望。根据多哈回合农业谈判的最新进展,初步形成的农业谈判框架协议和最新的原则,即对农业补贴进行实质性削减、市场准入、新“蓝箱”政策等变化,阐述我国从多哈回合谈判以来的立场,分析其对我国农业政策的影响,提出我国在新一轮农业谈判中如何利用多哈发展进程的主题推动贸易自由化、不作过多的减让承诺、争取新成员特殊和差别待遇等谈判对策,不断优化我国农产品贸易的国际法律环境。根据新一轮贸易谈判的最新成果和谈判的发展趋势,提出加快建立和完善我国的农业法律体系,重点在农业市场体系、农业资助法制、农业保障法律、农业主体法律和科教兴农法律等方面,对如何完善国内法律制度也提出了具体法律对策。

【Abstract】 In the system of multi-lateral trade, the trade policy of agricultural products of each country is restricted and confined by the multi-lateral trade rules. Therefore, each country will make full use of its right to participate in the setting of the international trade rules in the multi-lateral trade negotiation to safeguard and realize its own interests. It was a historical coincidence that the entrance of China into WTO in 2001 happened at the same time when the multi-lateral trade negotiation of Doha development agenda started successfully. Agricultural negotiation is the core of the new round of multi-lateral trade negotiation and the focus of the conflict between developing and developed countries. To make research on the new round of agricultural negotiation and work out legal countermeasures will be helpful for the Chinese government to better safeguard its rights and interests in the follow-up negotiation. It will help the government improve the agricultural legal system in time according to the developing trend of the new round of negotiation and urge the Chinese agriculture to play a better role in the international competition.This article reviews the GATT1947 rules on agricultural products and the process of negotiation and development of the WTO Agricultural Agreement, and prudently analyzes the content and effect of the WTO Agricultural Agreement, as well as its historical contribution and practical limitation. Especially during the liberalization of the global trade, the problems in the execution of WTO Agricultural Agreement have been fully exposed, and the developed countries such as the United States and European countries take advantage of their rich national power to fight trade wars. In order to meet the demands of further promoting economic globalization, the participants of WTO actively start a new round of multi-lateral trade negotiation.This article also enumerates the circuitous developing process of the agricultural negotiation, reviews the achievements of Doha Framework Agreement of Agricultural Product and Hong Kong Declaration , carefully examines and analyzes the difficult position of the follow-up negotiation, checks the respective standpoint and divergence of different negotiation groups to find out a way to break the deadlock, and views

  • 【分类号】D996;D920.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】730