

Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Petroleum Formation in the Northern Margin of Jiangnan Uplift

【作者】 周锋

【导师】 梅廉夫;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 江南隆起带位于扬子地块与华夏地块结合部位,研究区(江南隆起北缘)油气显示丰富,古油藏分布众多,是一个巨型的油气成藏带。对古油藏解剖和对比研究可指出巨型油气成藏带油气藏的分布规律,成藏和破坏特征,为在变质程度低保存条件好的地区找到工业油气藏提供勘探方向和思路。因此,加强古油藏的研究对于指导研究区下古油气勘探具有重要的现实意义。 本文通过对江南隆起带北缘典型古油藏残留沥青性质和组分的分析,判断其来源和属性,运用“IES”盆地模拟软件对古油藏的埋藏史和生烃史进行了模拟,并利用储层沥青定年和有机包裹体定年等方法来确定油气成藏的时间,结合圈闭的演化史等的分析,对古油藏进行了解剖,揭示出了古油藏的的形成和破坏过程。 麻江古油藏为单油源古油藏。油源来自下寒武统(∈1)烃源层,充注层位为奥陶系红花园组(O1h)碳酸盐岩古岩溶带及中下志留统翁项群(S1+2wn)砂岩各类孔隙,盖层为翁项群(S1+2wn)中上部泥质岩。控油构造为“加里东运动”形成的宽缓大背斜。下寒武统烃源岩于志留世末—泥盆世早期(S3—D1)达生烃高峰形成原始油藏;在“广西运动”时期,油藏被抬升,盖层受到剥蚀,原始油藏遭到一定程度氧化;到石炭世中期—中三叠世末(C2—T2)原始油藏先后裂解成天然气及残余沥青;燕山—喜山期大幅度的抬升剥蚀使气藏被破坏形成了麻江古油藏。 凯里残余油藏为多源古油藏,存在两个含油气系统。油源来自下寒武统(∈1)和下奥陶—中下志留统两套泥岩烃源层。其储层为上震旦统灯影组(Z2dy)白云岩溶孔、溶洞、裂缝,下寒武统九门冲组(∈1jm)灰岩裂缝,奥陶系红花园组(O1h)碳酸盐岩古岩溶带,及中下志留统翁项群(S1+2wn)砂岩孔隙,盖层为下寒武统九门冲组和变马冲—杷榔组泥页岩,及翁项群(S1+2wn)中上部泥质岩。以下寒武统为烃源岩的含油气系统成藏史和麻江古油藏相似,油藏形成于加里东期,并在海西—印支中期深埋,油藏逐渐向凝析油气藏转化,至燕山期最终裂解成现今以甲烷为主的干气和残余沥青。下奥陶—中下志留统烃源岩成熟期在中二叠世末,油藏形成于晚三叠世,至今仍属成熟阶段。燕山~喜山期凯里地区抬升剥蚀比麻江地区弱,二叠系地层还普遍存在,这为志留系及其以下储层的油气保存提供了很好的保护,使得油气得以部分残留,形成了现今的凯里残余油气藏。 慈利南山坪古油藏为多源古油藏,油源来自下寒武统牛蹄塘组(∈1n)和下志留统龙马溪组(S1l),储层为上震旦统灯影组(Z2dy)白云岩溶蚀孔,粒间孔和构造缝,盖层是下寒武统牛蹄塘组和杷榔组泥岩。控油构造为加里东期(志留纪末)形成的宽缓大背斜。牛蹄塘组生油岩在志留世中期达生油高峰,形成的油气向下运移形成灯影组原始油藏,并于晚石炭世开始向气藏演化;二叠世末,下志留统烃源岩开始生烃并向灯影组储层供油,此时灯影组原始油藏达生气高峰,印支构造运动控制的断控背斜构造圈闭混源型次生油气藏。燕山期—

【Abstract】 Jiangnan Uplift is located between the Yangzi Plate and Huaxia plate. There are many oil and gas showing and paleo-reservoir in northern margin of Jiangnan uplift. The research of paleo-reservoir anatomization and contrast can open out the law of reservoir distribution. The study of hydrocarbon accumulation and reservoir destruction in Palaeozoic offer the exploration direction of discover reservoir in low metamorphosed and well saved place. So it is nessary and important to strengthen research of paleo-reservoir for exploration in Palaeozoic.This paper analyses the asphalt characteristic and its composition that paleo-reservoir remained to verdict asphalt source and attribute. "IES" basin model is used to analyze the burial history and hydrocarbon forming history of paleo-reservoir. Asphalt of reservoir and hydrocarbon enclosure is used to verify the reservoir forming time. These ways are used to anatomize and contrast paleo-reservoir in order to find out the process of paleo-reservoir forming and destruction.Majiang paleo-reservoir is unisource paleo-reservoir. The source rock is Lower Cambrian. Reservoir bed are karsts carbonate rock of Ordovician Honghuayuan. formation (O1h) and sandstone of Lower Silurian Wengxiang formation (S1+2wn). Cap rock is mud rock of Middle-upper Wengxiang formation. The trap is opened anticline zone formed during Caledonian. Hydrocarbon peak production of source rock is from Laster Silurian to Early Devonian, and during this period the originality reservoir formed. The originality reservoir was uplifted in Guangxi tectogenesis epoch, and the cap rock was disintegrated so the originality reservoir was oxygenated. From Middle Carboniferous to Middle Triassic the originality reservoir pyrolysised to gas pool and asphalt. From Yanshan to Himalayan epoch the crust uplifted and stratum was disintegrated, gas pool was destructed and Majiang paleo-reservoir formed.Kaili remainder reservoir is multiple source reservoir and has two petroleum system. Source rock are Lower Cambrian and Lower-Middle Silurian. Reservoir bed are dolostone emposieu, cave and crack of Sinian Dengying formation (Z2dy) , limestone crack of Lower Cambrian Jiumencong formation (∈1jm) , karst carbonate rock of Ordovician Honghuayuan formation (O1h) and sandstone of Lower Silurian Wengxiang formation (S1+2wn) . Cap rock is mud shale rock of Lower Cambrian Jiumencong, Bianmacong and Palang formation, Silurian Middle-upper Wengxiang

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】769