

The Principle of Insurable Interest and the Application in Marine Insurance

【作者】 王璠

【导师】 胡正良;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 鉴于保险利益原则在保险法中的重要地位及海上保险中保险利益问题的特殊性,本文对保险利益原则及其在海上保险中应用的相关问题进行论述,旨在把握其中的规律和具有实践意义的内容,澄清理论研究上的模糊之处,对完善我国海上保险立法提供一些理论支持。 全文分为六个大的部分。第一部分是引言,介绍笔者选题的理由,本文的技术路线,及本文在理论上和实践中的意义。 第二部分从整体上分析保险利益原则的基本情况,包括保险利益原则的历史沿革,保险利益的涵义和性质,保险利益的判断标准,保险利益的归属对象和存在时点几个关键问题。其中争议最大的是保险利益的判断标准,这是保险利益的核心问题之一,笔者以时间为轴,通过众多的经典案例和立法规定,比较分析两种不同的保险利益判断标准。 第三部分从三个方面解释保险利益原则为何必须存在于海上保险之中,并对反对观点进行批驳。 第四部分根据保险标的不同,将海上保险分为海上货物运输保险、船舶保险和其他海上保险三个类别进行讨论,主要论述海上保险实践中存在的各种保险利益的特征,存在原因及实务操作中出现争议的几个问题。讨论重点放在争议集中的FOB和CFR贸易条件下越过装货港船舷前买方的保险利益问题,违约情况下的保险利益问题,船舶挂靠经营情况下的保险利益问题。在论述的过程中,笔者引用大量的案例和国内外学者的观点作为参考,在理论论述的基础上,结合实践来考证。 第五部分则阐述我国现行的海上保险立法中存在的问题和相应的解决方案,并提出一些立法建议。立法建议包括:第一,增加一条对海上保险中保险利益涵义的规定,采用单一经济利益标准,明确保险利益是被保险人与保险标的之间经济上的利害关系。第二,增加一条对海上保险中保险利益归属对象和存在时点的规定,明确被保险人必须在损失发生之时具有保险利益,否则无权请求保险赔偿。第三,增加一条FOB和CFR贸易条件下的特殊规定,肯定FOB和CFR贸易条件下,已付款的买方有权对越过装货港船舷前发生的货物损失请求保险赔偿。

【Abstract】 This paper is to make a deliberate and systemic study on the principle of insurable interest and the application in marine insurance, clarify the controversial problems and provide theoretic suggestion for legislation and practice.The paper is divided into six parts. Part One is the introduction, including the causation of choosing the topic, the course of discussion and the significance of the subject. In Part Two, the author expatiates on some basic conceptions, including the history of the principle of insurable interest, the concept and characteristics of insurable interest, the standard of insurable interest determination, when and to whom it must attach. The core of dispute is the standard of insurable interest determination. Two different views are discussed with some classic cases and legislation of many different countries. In Part Three, the author emphasizes on the requirements of insurable interest in marine insurance and refutes some opponent opinions.In Part Four, the author discusses the feature and basis of insurable interest in marine insurance, which is classified into three main categories according to different kinds of subject insured. The author focuses on three problems which are full of dispute. The first one is the determination of the buyer’s insurable interest in FOB or CFR sale before the goods passing the ship’s rail at the loading port. The second is the determination of insurable interest in case of sellers or buyers in breach of contract. The last one is the determination of insurable interest in relying-on operation of the vessel.In Part Five, the author puts forward some constructive suggestions

【关键词】 保险利益原则海上保险
【Key words】 insurable interestthe principlemarine insurance
  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】600