

On the Objective and Strategies of Undergraduate Interpreting Teaching for Foreign Language Majors

【作者】 宫芳

【导师】 梅德明;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在分析外语专业本科口译教学的地位和现状的基础上,对其教学目标和策略进行探讨,旨在推进外语专业本科口译教学的改革和发展。外语专业本科口译教学在国内口译教学中占有重要地位,但其教学质量一直不能令人满意。作者认为,缺乏客观明确的目标和切实有效的策略是影响其教学质量的两个主要原因。为了具体了解外语专业本科口译教学的现状,作者在两所高校(中国海洋大学和华东师范大学)对英语专业本科口译课的师生进行了问卷调查,通过对调查结果的分析总结,得到了关于教学条件、教学效果、学生的素质和动机、师生在教学中面临的困难等多方面的信息和启示。在调查研究的基础上,结合教育学和口译研究的相关成果,作者对外语专业本科口译教学的目标和策略进行了探讨。作者批驳了实践中存在的两种教学目标上的错误倾向,提倡将外语专业本科口译课视为口译基础课程,并从认知领域和情感领域两方面提出了外语专业本科口译教学的目标定义。该定义的中心为“学生可以胜任乙级技能层次的口译任务(导游口译和工商口译)”。根据这个目标定义,作者从教学内容、教学程序、教学重点、课堂组织等方面对外语专业本科口译教学的策略做出了较全面的分析讨论,并提出若干建议。希望本文能为提高外语专业本科口译教学的质量做出一点贡献。

【Abstract】 This thesis explores the objective and strategies of the undergraduate interpreting teaching for foreign language majors on the basis of the analysis of its current situation in order to make contributions to its improvement. The undergraduate interpreting teaching for foreign language majors plays a very important role in China’s interpreting education, but its quality isn’t very satisfying. In the author’s opinion, lack of a clear and rational objective and lack of effective strategies are the two major problems affecting its teaching quality. In order to know more about the actuality of the undergraduate interpreting teaching for foreign language majors, the author carries out a survey among the teachers and the students in the English department of two universities—Ocean University China and East China Normal University, and gets a lot of valuable information in various aspects such as the student’s quality and motives, teaching conditions, teaching effect, and the major difficulties facing the teachers and the students.Based on the results of investigation, the author explores the objectives and strategies of undergraduate interpreting teaching for foreign language majors by integrating the achievements in education and interpreting studies. The author criticizes two wrong tendencies in objective in teaching practice, advocates regarding the undergraduate interpreting course as an elementary course in interpreting, and puts forward a definition of objectives in both the cognitive domain and affective domain. The center of this definition is“The students are able to cope with the interpreting tasks of‘technician level’(escort interpreting and in-house interpreting)”. Under the guidance of this definition, the author has a relatively comprehensive discussion and proposes suggestions on the strategies of undergraduate interpreting teaching in such aspects as teaching content, teaching procedure, focal points in skill training, and classroom management。The author hopes that this thesis could offer some help for the improvement of the undergraduate interpreting teaching for foreign language majors.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】878