

Translation of Witticisms in Chinese Ads

【作者】 李道桥

【导师】 张健;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 广告在当今国际交往中扮演越来越重要的角色。为了在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,广告主总是竭尽全力创造出各具特色的中文广告妙语以最大程度地吸引受众。但由于中英两种语言文化和广告法规之间的巨大差异,中文广告妙语英译受到种种限制。 基于对广告文本特点的分析,本文作者认为彼得·纽马克的交际翻译理论最适合于指导广告妙语英译。在此理论基础上,通过对各种广告实例的分析,作者进一步认为传统翻译法如直译法是广告翻译的最基本方法。然而当传统翻译法不能把中文广告妙语的结构和广告效果很好地传达给译文读者时,我们应该采取一些变通方法,如防拟法、解释法、侧重法、移情法和改译法等方法以尽量向译文读者传达中文妙语原有的广告效果。 本文旨在使文中所提出的翻译方法对广大广告翻译者有所启发和帮助,使更多的对外翻译者能巧妙运用变通方法获得预期的中文英译效果。

【Abstract】 Advertising plays an increasingly important role in international communication. To come to the fore in the fierce competition, advertisers bend every effort to create Chinese advertisement witticisms with distinctive features. Due to the great disparities between Chinese and English languages, cultures as well as advertising laws and regulations, the translation of advertising witticisms from Chinese into English turns out to be a great headache, which results in unfavorable translations accordingly.The author, on the basis of his analysis on the distinctive text type of the advertising, believes that Peter Newmark’s communicative translation serves as the best guiding principle in the translation of advertising witticisms from Chinese into English. And he further proposes that conventional approach like literal translation is the basic approach. However, when it fails to transfer the original meaning as well as carrying the original advertising effect, the translator should, more often than not, make some adaptations, such approaches as structure-borrowing, highlighting, treason, personification and so on should be employed so as to present favorable and pleasant translations to the target readership.This thesis aims at arousing advertisement translators’ awareness of adaptation in translating hard-cracked advertisement witticisms with distinctive features. Meanwhile the author hopes the discussion and methods herewith in this thesis can, to some extent, shed light on (would-be) advertisement translators in their prospective fieldwork.

【关键词】 广告妙语变通翻译
【Key words】 advertisingwitticismsadaptationtranslation
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】1014