

The Study on Dynamic Rheology of Rice Dough and the Technology of Rice Bread

【作者】 范周

【导师】 陈正行;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 粮食、油脂与植物蛋白工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 大米蛋白的价值主要体现在它的低过敏性,无色素干扰,具有柔和而不刺激的味道及它的高营养价值。它富含人类的必需氨基酸,尤其赖氨酸含量高于其他粮谷类。大米蛋白的生物价高达77,在粮食作物中占第一位,而且可以与猪肉(生物价74)、牛肉(生物价69)相媲美。本文以粳米粉为主要原料,研究各添加成分对米粉面团流变学特性的影响及米粉面包的配方、生产工艺和操作参数、抗老化添加剂对面包质量的影响,获得了可与通常的小麦面包相媲美米粉面包。研究结果表明:1、随HPMC含量的增加米粉面团的稠度增加。这是由于HPMC能够键合大量的水并且增加混合时的阻力。实验表明添加HPMC的米粉的稠度后来可达到500BU(与标准小麦面团的稠度比较)。米粉面团的流变动力学表明,弹性(G′)系数比粘性系数(G″)系数更高。两系数随HPMC含量的增加而增加,最终两系数的差值减小并且对频率的依赖性增加。米粉的粒径越小,颗粒的糊化温度、蛋白质含量越低,米粉的流动性随颗粒粒径的减小而有显著的改善。大米经超微粉碎后,由于粒径的减少和比表面积的增加,其理化性质在很多方面有所改善。2、通过添加适当的HPMC可使不含筋性蛋白的米粉面团具有粘性,促使面团持气性薄膜的形成,增大面团体积,从而用发酵的方法制备出综合评分较好的米粉面包。HPMC对米粉面包的持气性有显著的影响,要想发挥良好的作用需要达到一定的添加量,且水添加量必须充足以保证其网络充分拓展。持气性显著改善的标志是米粉面包的表面变得光滑、体积变得较大、表皮变薄。食盐对内部组织结构有显著的影响,白砂糖则主要影响表皮颜色。经正交试验得出米粉面包的最佳工艺配方为:水125%、HPMC 4%、食盐4%、白砂糖7.5%、油6%。3、通过实验系统研究了乳化剂、油脂对面包老化及烘焙体积的影响。油脂做为面包主配料,对面包老化起着显著的延缓作用,乳化剂是一种理想的面包抗老化剂。它们对延缓面包老化有着显著的正面效果。老化实验表明,添加3%单甘酯、5%色拉油、2%SSL、粉碎粒度在100~140目可以有效抑制面包的老化速度,提高面包的品质,保持面包的新鲜度。

【Abstract】 Since rice possesses unique nutritional, hypoallergenic, colourless and bland taste properties, its use in baby foods, puddings and especially in development of foods for gluten intolerant patients has been increasing. Rice bread, mainly prepared from japonica rice powder, was investigated. This paper studies operating parameter, the process of manufacturing technology, formula of rice bread, property of anti - aging of some additives.The results indicated that the dough consistency decreased with lowering HPMC concentration. The HPMC has the ability to bind large quantities of water and thus increase the resistance during mixing. The farinogram showed that rice flour supplemented with HPMC reached a consistency of 500 BU at a later time than that of standard wheat dough.The dynamic rheological studies of the rice flour dough showed that the elastic modulus (G′) was higher than the viscous modulus (G″). Both the elastic (G′) and viscous(G″) moduli increased with increasing HPMC concentration. The difference between elastic and viscous modulus became less and the modulus became more frequency-dependent as HPMC Concentration increased.The physical and chemical propeties of rice powder ground by superfine grinding were comparied with generally ground rice powder. The results showed that the smaller the granule diameter distribution, the lower the protein content. The physical and chemical propeties of rice powder ground by superfine grinding were improved and suitable for making rice bread.The incorporation of hydroxy ropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) in rice flour has made it possible to produce bread from rice flour with a specific volume comparable to that of wheat bread. The HPMC is able to provide the rice flour dough with the film forming and CO2 entrapping properties resulting in a product with a high specific volume.The hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose were the only useful gum type additives for making rice bread.With single factor experiment, select some additives with better effect to specific volume and internal organization of rice bread, then add different proportion in bread, according to the specific volume and internal organization of rece bread to determine the optimum composition of rice-flour bread. The result s of orthogonal experiment of the organoleptic evaluation indicates that the best composition is 100g rice flour,

【关键词】 米粉流变学性质面团HPMC老化粒径
【Key words】 rice powderHPMCgranule diameterrice doughaging of rice breaddynamic rheology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TS213
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1257