

Evaluation of the Planting Tobacco Soil Fertility and Study on the Tobacco Fertilizing Technologies in Xuan-en

【作者】 王瑞

【导师】 曹凑贵;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 种植业, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对湖北宣恩植烟土壤进行大面积定位取样,通过室内分析、野外调查及田间试验相结合的方法,对宣恩植烟土壤的肥力进行了评价,对烤烟施氯与施镁技术进行了初步研究。得出了以下结论: 1.宣恩植烟土壤共有6个土类,6个亚类,13个土属,13个土种。其中黄棕壤与黄壤是全县主要植烟土壤类型。 2.宣恩植烟土壤基本适宜生产优质烟叶,但也存在一些影响宣恩烟叶生产的土壤障碍因子:一是本区域植烟土壤全氮和碱解氮含量偏高,土壤供氮容量较高,后期供氮能力强,土壤供氮特性与烟叶生长需肥规律不一致,这是烟叶烟碱含量偏高的重要原因之一;二是虽然大部分烟区土壤全磷及速效磷含量与第二次土壤普查时相比有了大幅度的提高,但植烟土壤供磷能力仍然较低,特别是在烟叶苗期生长阶段,土壤温度低,磷活化慢已成为烟叶生长的限制因素之一;三是与第二次土壤普查时相比植烟土壤供钾能力基本维持平衡,这是在烟叶生产中长期大量使用钾肥的结果,总体而言,植烟土壤供钾能力仍然不高;四是部分区域植烟土壤PH值偏低,植烟土壤有酸化的趋势;五是植烟土壤水溶性氯含量偏低,对烟叶生长和品质造成了不利的影响;六是植烟土壤含交换性钙较多,而交换性镁则较低(特别是碳酸岩发育的土壤,交换性镁含量占CEC的比重较小,一般在5%以下),Ca/Mg比值过高而易引起生理性缺镁;七是植烟土壤普遍缺乏硼、锌等微量元素,缺硼或潜在性缺硼面积达66%左右(参照大田作物缺硼标准),部分土壤有效锌和铜缺乏。 3.为了实际运用,对植烟土壤的养分状况统一了丰缺标准,定为五级,即丰富,比较丰富,含量适宜,局部缺乏,严重缺乏。境内丰富的有:有效硫、有效铜、交换性钙3个;境内比较丰富的有全氮、碱解氮、有效锰、阳离子代换量4个;境内含量适宜的有:有机质、全磷、速效钾、有效钼、有效铁5个;境内局部缺乏的有全钾、速效磷、交换性镁3个;境内严重缺乏的有水溶性氯,有效锌、有效硼3个。 4.本次土壤养分调查结果与1982年第二次土壤普查结果比较,主要有以下特点:一是有机质略减,全氮、碱解氮有增;二是全磷、速效磷呈倍增;三是全钾降、

【Abstract】 The paper evaluated the fertility of the planting tobacco soil in Xuan-en through getting sample in extensive areas and studied the using technologies of nutrient elements chlorine and magnesium primarily by analysis, field inquiry and field experiment. Then we got these conclusions:1. Xuan-en has six kinds of soil, six sub-kinds, thirteen-soil category and thirteen soil sorts. Yellow-brown soil and yellow soil is the main tobacco-growing soil.2. it is more suitable for the planting tobacco soil to produce high quality tobacco leaves, but there are a few factors influencing the tobacco growth and quality in Xuan-en. (1) The quantity of total nitrogen and available nitrogen in soil is more, the nitrogen of soil supplied is higher and the ability of offering nitrogen is stronger. The characteristic of soil supplement on nitrogen is not compatible with the absorbing nutrition rule of tobacco growth, and this is one of the most important reasons why the high quantity of nicotine in tobacco leaves. (2) Although the quantity of total P and available P in most tobacco-planting areas is more higher, comparing with the results of the second soil investigation, the offering pHospHorus ability of the tobacco- planting soil is remaining lower. Especially during the first tobacco growing stage, the lower soil temperature and lower pHospHorus activation has become one of the factors restricting the tobacco growth. (3) The offering K ability of the planting tobacco soil is the same, comparing with the result of the second soil investigation, because a lot of K were used in the tobacco growth. In general, the offering K ability of planting tobacco soil is not high. (4) The pH in the tobacco-planting soil is lower; the tobacco- planting soil has the current to acidification. (5) The quantity of the water-soluble chlorine in the tobacco-planting soil (especially the soil derived from carbonates), the ratio of exchange Mg to CEC is less, bellow 5% normally. If the value of the Ca\Mg is higher, the tobacco will be lack of magnesium. (6) The tobacco-planting soil is lack of micronutrient elements, such as boron

【关键词】 烤烟土壤肥力施肥技术
【Key words】 tobaccosoil fertilityfertilizing technologies
  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】155