

The Study on Ex Post Benefit Evaluation of Land Consolidation Project

【作者】 陈超

【导师】 卢荣安;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 从2001年土地整理项目实施以来,无论是在实践上还是在理论上,土地整理项目后评价工作均未能引起应有的重视。为促进土地整理工作持续健康的发展、充分发挥土地整理应有的作用,本文以土地整理项目后效益评价研究为题,以期推动包括后效益评价的土地整理项目后评价的理论研究和实践工作。 根据后评价和土地整理的内涵,本文构建了土地整理项目后评价的内容框架,提出了土地整理项目后效益评价的定义,并对其内涵、评价的原则、与前期效益评价的区别进行了分析。 在土地整理项目后效益评价的理论基础研究上,本文从现代控制和反馈理论、费用—效益分析理论、系统理论和可持续发展理论四个方面入手对其进行了研究;在评价方法上,探讨了对比法、逻辑框架法、成功度法和模糊综合评判法这四种后评价方法在土地整理项目后效益评价上的运用。 在对土地整理项目后效益评价内容剖析的基础上,本文构建了评价指标体系,并结合湖北省鄂州市土地整理项目,采用模糊综合评判法和前后对比法进行了实例研究。实例研究结果表明,所建立的评价指标体系能够较好的反映项目实施所实现的真实效益,具有较高的理论意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Whether in practice or in theory, the work on ex post benefit evaluation of Land Consolidation Project has not been paid much attention to since land consolidation project have been implemented from 2001. In order to promote land consolidation project’ s healthy development and exert their function, this article named" the Study on ex post benefit evaluation of Land Consolidation Project" is to impel the fundamental research and the practice of land consolidation project ex post benefit evaluation excluding ex post benefit evaluation.Based on the connotation of ex post benefit evaluation and land consolidation, this article has constructed the content framework of the ex post benefit evaluation of Land Consolidation Project" and proposed the definition of ex post benefit evaluation of land consolidation project. After that, the connotation, the principle of evaluation and the differences between Pre benefit evaluation and ex post benefit evaluation have been analyzed as well.On the theory fundamental observation of ex post benefit evaluation of Land consolidation project, this article discussed the following four aspects: the modern control and the feedback theory, the Cost-Benefit Analysis, the system theory and the sustainable development theory .On the appraisal method, four methods on ex post evaluation including the correlation method, Logic Framework Approach (LFA), the success level method and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method have been discussed to the application.On the analysis of content of the ex post benefit evaluation of Land Consolidation Project", this article has constructed the appraisal index system, adopted the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to conduct the case research in the case of E’ zhou city land consolidation project in Hubei Province. The evaluation results indicate the appraisal index system established can reflect project’ s real benefit and also has significant values both in theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】51
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