

The Study of the Corporate Deadlock and Remedies

【作者】 张剑

【导师】 李平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 公司僵局在我国公司实践中经常发生,但我国对公司僵局问题及其救济手段的研究刚刚起步,实践中也缺乏相应的解决办法。本文第一章从公司僵局概念的界定出发,探讨了公司僵局的特征、性质、成因,对公司僵局进行了分类并指出了其危害。本文从公司合同理论的角度出发,认为公司僵局的实质是因公司合同当事人之间利益冲突缺乏协调救济机制,导致公司合同的无法履行,从而使公司合同的当事人合理预期的落空。对造成公司僵局的原因进行了深入探讨,认为公司治理结构和决策机制是造成公司僵局的客观原因,而发生在公司内部的不可调和的冲突则是公司僵局形成的根本原因。从公司僵局出现的不同层面等七个方面对公司僵局进行了分类,并指出公司僵局不但对股东、公司、债权人及其他利害关系人的利益造成危害,对市场和社会稳定也将造成重大影响。那么如何应对公司僵局呢?换句话说,一旦出现了公司僵局,我们如何救济?总的来说,我们既要从思想上加强对公司僵局危害性的认识,对公司章程加以完善,以预防公司僵局的发生,同时更要从制度上加以完善,采取多种可能的解决办法,建立可选择的全面的公司僵局救济体系。在公司法修改以前,公司法中没有公司僵局司法救济的相应规定,造成司法实务部门在处理此类纠纷时畏首畏尾。但国外对公司僵局司法救济制度早有相应的规定,特别是美国,长期的大量的公司实践,使美国在实践中确立了多种多样的公司僵局救济方式,如调解-仲裁、临时董事、临时接管人或管理人、强制清购等。本文第二章把这些救济方式按照救济主体的不同总结为股东的自力救济、第三方介入、司法间

【Abstract】 This article is about corporate deadlock .Corporate deadlock is a kind of unusual phenomenon, which appears frequently in corporate operation practice. Corporate deadlock means no single person or group of persons has legal control of the business. In recent years, with the development of market economy in China, more and more deadlocks have emerged. Corporate deadlock becomes a social problem, but the research of corporate deadlock and remedies just start, it is also lack of solution in practice .People don’t have profound understanding to the definition of corporate deadlock, the characteristics of corporate deadlock, the harm of deadlock, the reason why deadlock emerges and so on. How to avoid and break the deadlock has become a significantly theoretical and actual problem. This article discusses this problem from three parts. The beginning of this article is from the concept of corporate deadlock, the discussing in part I is also about the characteristics, cause of formation, classification and endangerment. This article sets out from the angle of the company contract theories, the substance of corporate deadlock is lacking the remedies to resolve the conflicts, the shareholders could not get what they want form the contract that they made for the company. The impersonal reason for deadlock is corporate governance structure and decision-making mechanism, the ultimately reason is the irreconcilable conflict. This article classifies corporate deadlock into seven aspects, and point out corporate deadlock is not only harmful to the shareholders, companies, creditors and the other relation persons, but also harmful to the market and society. How to break the deadlock? Part II introduces eleven ways to

【关键词】 公司僵局救济冲突解散清购
【Key words】 Corporate deadlockremediesconflictDissolutionbuyout
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】273