

A Study on Pronunciation Learning Strategies of English Majors

【作者】 谢冰

【导师】 程先富;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用学习策略理论,通过实证研究,探究英语专业学生常用的英语语音学习策略,学习策略和语音水平的相关性以及语音水平不同的学生在使用策略上的差异性,藉此提出对英语语音教学的建议。本文共分为六章。第一章简要介绍了本项研究的意义和目的。语音学习对掌握一门语言非常重要,但迄今为止,从学习策略的角度研究语音教学的实证研究数量不多,因此本项研究对英语教学具有一定的实践意义。第二章回顾了国内外学者对学习策略和语音教学的研究。关于学习策略的研究可以分为四个方面:(1)对善学语言者的研究;(2)影响策略使用因素的研究;(3)策略使用与二语成绩的相关性研究;(4)策略培训研究。关于语音教学的研究主要集中在教学方法和影响教学效果的因素两方面。文献回顾表明把学习策略和语音教学结合起来进行英语语音学习策略研究很有价值。第三章主要阐述了学习策略的定义及分类框架。一直以来,研究者对于策略的定义及分类分歧多多。本项研究认为,为有效学习而采取的任何措施都可以定义为策略。同时,本项研究采用Oxford的学习策略分类框架,将语音学习策略分为元认知策略、认知策略、记忆策略、补偿策略、社交策略和情感策略六大类。第四章介绍了本项研究的研究方法,包括研究问题、研究对象、调查工具、数据的收集和分析。本项研究试图回答以下问题:(1)英语专业学生常用哪些英语语音学习策略?(2)这些语音学习策略和他们的英语语音水平是否具有相关性?(3)英语语音水平不同的学生在使用语音策略上是否有差异?为方便取样,来自安徽师范大学2005级英语专业四个自然班的111名

【Abstract】 The present thesis is concerned with English majors’pronunciation learning strategies. Through empirical study, it presents some learning strategies, which are frequently employed by English majors to improve their English pronunciation. It also focuses on the correlation between strategy use and English pronunciation achievement, and the variation in strategy use between high achievers and low achievers. This thesis contains six chapters.Chapter One briefly introduces the significance and purpose of the present study. Pronunciation is very important for any language learner, yet studies on pronunciation teaching and learning from the perspective of language learning strategies are rare. Therefore, the present study is of practical value in language teaching and learning. Chapter Two is a retrospection of the researches on language learning strategies and pronunciation teaching and learning. In the former area, researchers usually focus on four topics: (1) the“good language learner”studies; (2) studies about various factors affecting strategy use; (3) correlational studies between strategy use and language proficiency; and (4) strategy training in second language learning. In the latter area, researchers show their main interest in different approaches to pronunciation instruction and factors that underlie the effective teaching and learning of pronunciation. Literature review indicates that pronunciation learning strategies are worth investigating.Chapter Three presents the theoretical considerations for the study. Despite the disputes on the definition and classification of language learning strategies, this thesis defines the language learning strategy as any action that contributes to language learning. Besides, this study adopts Oxford’s framework of learning strategies and puts pronunciation learning strategies into six general categories—metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, memory strategies, compensation strategies, social strategies and affective strategies.Chapter Four explains the methodology of the present study. The research

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1197