

Study of Intelligent Security Keeping Away and Alarm System for Smarthome

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 徐克宝;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的飞速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对其住宅的要求也越来越高,表现在不仅希望拥有舒适、温馨的住所,而且对安全性、智能性等方面也提出了更高的要求,智能住宅的安全防范系统也应运而生。现在很多小区都安装了智能报警系统,因而大大提高了小区的安全程度,有效保证了居民的人身财产安全。由于红外线是不可见光,有很强的隐蔽性和保密性,因此在防盗、警戒等安保装置中得到了广泛的应用。此外,在电子防盗、人体探测等领域中,被动式热释电红外探测器也以其价格低廉、技术性能稳定等特点而受到广大用户和专业人士的欢迎。 本文首先讨论了智能住宅安全防范技术的国内外发展概况,并根据国外发展的趋势和我国的国情,研究并设计了一种智能住宅的安全防范报警系统,由红外探测器实现盗警信号的检测,并自动电话拨号报警。当探测器检测到警情的时候,就会向单片机发出中断请求,再由单片机控制电话接口电路,实现模拟摘机,通过DTMF拨号电路实现自动拨号,并由语音电路通过电话完成播放预先录制好的语音信息,实现语音报警,来通知用户发生警情,以便让他们及时的作出相应措施。另外,本系统还设置了密码验证,通过键盘可输入验证码并可修改密码。本系统还配置了备用电源以及具有掉线和断电自诊断功能,增强了系统的安全性和稳定性。 系统建立在大量相关实验的基础上,并通过硬件及软件仿真验证,具备一定的实用性,对后续研究开发有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 With great improvement of the standard of people’s living, as well as the rapid development and abroad application of microelectronics, the residential security to people is been more and more important. The security keeping away system of Smarthome is emerged as the times required.In this text, the development survey of security keeping away technology of Smarthome in the world is debated. According to the developmental direction of the technology overseas and the situations of our countries, we have researched and designed a kind of intelligent alarm system for SmartHome. It has the function of theft—proof, performing automatic detection and automatic dial. Pyroelectric infrared sensor is used for theft — proof so as to realize automatic detection. It is designed to make the least fail to alarm and false alarm and enhance the reliability of the system. When detector has detected any abnormality signals, an interrupt request will be sent to the MCU. Next the MCU control the interface circuit of telephone to accomplish simulated off-hook, then auto-dial by dial-up circuit of DTMF, and play the phonetic information which has been recorded beforehand by phonetic circuit, to tell the user of the emergency which has occurred, so that they can take corresponding step on time. In addition, the code validation has been intercalated in the system. Users can input and modify the code by keyboard.In order to buildup the systemic security and stability, the system has standby stability, the system has standby power supply and can inspect whether the wire and the power break or not.The system is based on a great deal of correlative experiments.it has been validated in hardware and software’s emulation, so it has some definite practicability. As far as research and exploitation later, this has some definite referenced meaning.

  • 【分类号】TM925.91
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】3711