

【作者】 华惠

【导师】 陈杰; 何文伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工业工程, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,国有专业外贸企业面对来自外部竞争和内部机制的双重压力,迫切需要寻觅良方,以期摆脱困境,寻求发展。本论文力图借鉴流程再造的理论方法,通过外贸企业再造实践,在此基础上加以总结和提升,希望对国有外贸企业管理改善提供参考和借鉴。 论文在阐述了流程再造及其相关的概念和基础理论、方法和实施步骤等基础上,将流程再造与其他管理改善进行了综合比较。通过对某国有外贸企业困境和挑战分析的基础上,明确了企业进行流程再造的契机。流程再造在企业的具体实践中,在正式实施流程再造以前,通过对企业的产权结构进行改造,并以产权结构改造为契机,抓住时机,适时地对组织结构进行调整,同时确立构建企业文化的方向,为正式实施业务流程再造营造氛围,做好铺垫。针对企业特定的业务流程,则结合企业自身业务的特性,从分析业务全流程中的风险点着手,建立了新的信用控制流程,并将此流程分解融入业务的具体操作流程中,实现业务流程的再造,最终使企业降低了业务的坏帐率,提高了企业的效益。实践表明,当企业面临着内外环境巨变的时刻,流程再造是可以选择的帮助企业走出困境的出路。

【Abstract】 For recent years, the state-owned foreign trade companies have been facing more and more pressures and difficulties, including outside competition pressures from international and domestic markets and inside existing old system. How to change this situation and find the solution is very important for companies. BPR (Business Process Reengineering) , proposed by Hammer is one of important management improving method, which has been practiced and proved by a lot famous global leader companies. In this paper, we focus on the application of BPR in a trade company, and through which some experiences and effects can be summarized.On the basis of introducing of BPR, its relevant theories and methods, an implementation framework is proposed for the specific trade company. At the first stage of the BPR practice, the reformation of property rights, organizational re-structuring and new corporate culture building should be completed, which establish a good precondition for the next BPR implementation. Considering the key processes for a trade company in new environment, the credit-control process and exporting operational process were redesigned and verified. It proved that the practice of BRP for the company can help to increase the revenues and profits. The most important is that it made a good beginning for the sustaining improvement in future. The practice shows that the BPR is one of important solution for companies to get rid of predicament facing great changing environments.

  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1232