

The Application of CALL to the Teaching of Listening and Speaking of College English

【作者】 谢民

【导师】 常宗林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机辅助语言教学(CALL)的研究和发展可以追溯到20世纪60年代。从一开始,CALL的作用就定义在“辅助”这一概念上。也就是说,CALL本身并不能构成一种独立的教学法,而只是作为某种教学法有益的补充。本文旨在阐述怎样使用现代CALL的组件、并根据新版大学英语教学大纲(非英语专业)的要求来提高大学英语听力及口语的教学与学习的水平。 在过去的40多年中,CALL经历了三个不同的发展阶段,即行为主义阶段、交际法阶段及集成化阶段。每个阶段的发展和进步是与不同时代的语言及英语教学理论和计算机技术的发展与更新相辅相承的。不同时期的CALL也是当时的语言学及教学法理论的体现。由Leonard Bloomfield,Charles Fries及Robert Lado等语言学家为代表的结构主义、Noam Chomsky及Stephen Krashen为代表的认知主义理论和Dell Hymes和Michael Halliday为代表的社会认知主义分别是这三个发展阶段的理论基础。从起初的大型机,到后来的个人机和网络多媒体电脑,CALL的发展也在不断前进。CALL的常用组件有教学软件、多媒体、国际互联网及自制课件。 由清华大学研发并出版的一套CALL教学软件“新时代交互英语”,旨在利用计算机及网络的优势提高大学英语听力和口语教学。这一课程在两所试点高校中的使用情况表明,此课程在某些方面取得了长足的进步,但也存在不足之处。比如,它并没有充分发挥互联网及教师自制课件的优势来实现更深一步的教与学。文章着重分析了新版大学英语教学大纲(非英语专业)中对大学生听力及口语方面的三个层次的要求,并提出了如何使用集成化CALL中的网络及自制课件来实现这些要求。对于目前教学设施、教学实践中的不足之处,并对教师的角色的转换做出了详尽的阐述。就如何使用CALL组件来提高大学英语听力与口语教学与学习水平提出改进方案如下。

【Abstract】 Computer assisted language learning (CALL) originated in the 1960s. Since the first day it came into being, its role has been defined as an assisted way of language teaching and learning. That is to say, the CALL alone does not constitute a method. It should be integrated into a certain school or method of teaching as supplement. This paper means to explain and illustrate how to make use of the current CALL technologies to promote the teaching and learning of college English in terms listening and oral competence in accordance with the latest Teaching Syllabus of College English (for non-English majors). In the last 40 years or so, CALL has gone through three different phases, i.e., the Behavioristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrative CALL. Each phases corresponded to a certain level of technology development, from the earliest mainframe to the later personal computer and multimediated networked computer, as well as to the dominant linguistic and language teaching theories of the time. The structuralism represented by Leonard Bloomfield, Charles Fries and Robert Lado, cognitive theories represented by Noam Chomsky and Stephen Krashen and socio-cognitive theory by Dell Hymes and Michael Halliday are the theoretical basis for the development of CALL. The usual CALL components are software programs, multimedia, the Internet and the courseware.One of the domestic CALL software programs, NEIE (New Era Interactive English), developed and published by the Tsinghua University in association with other universities means to take the advantage of the network (both Intranet and Internet) and multimedia technology to enhance the teaching and learning of college English in terms of listening and oral competence. The teaching practices in two experimental schools have showed, the course has made quite some progress to some extend. However, it fails to give full play to the advantages of the Internet and the courseware made by teachers themselves. The paper specifically analyzes different requirements stipulated in the latest Teaching

  • 【分类号】H319.9
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