

Application of Nano Material Composite Membrane in Treatment of Wastewater Containing High Concentration of NH4Cl

【作者】 姚瑞华

【导师】 孟范平;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 生态学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国化肥工业的迅速发展,产生的NH4Cl废水对环境的影响也越来越严重。NH4+-N和Cl-的大量排放都会对环境产生很大的危害。水体中NH4+-N浓度过高,会导致水体富营养化和水质恶化,同时对人体的健康造成一定的影响。而Cl-的大量排放也会导致土壤结构改变,对农作物以及地下建筑带来很大危害。目前,我国高浓度化肥工业NH4Cl废水排放的问题仍然是一个亟待解决的问题,因此,研究经济有效地处理NH4Cl废水的技术具有十分重要的现实意义。本文对目前国内外有关NH4Cl废水的处理研究现状,膜分离技术的使用现状及其分离机理进行全面的研究,结合山东省鲁南化肥厂废水实际情况,对于NH4Cl废水中NH4+-N浓度在13000mg·L-1以上,则可以借助现有回收工艺对其中的NH4Cl加以回用,生产不同标准的工业用和农业用NH4Cl化肥,利用实验室的专利产品——纳米材料复合膜,自主设计并组装了一台膜分离试验机。以模拟高浓度NH4Cl废水为处理对象,采用膜分离试验机处理,优化得到最优工作条件:膜分离压力为5.5Mpa;温度为35℃;pH值为6。随着废水浓度的不断增大,出水水质和产水率有明显变化。对于NH4+-N浓度为1304mg·L-1~14071mg·L-1和Cl-浓度为3255mg·L-1 ~30152mg·L-1的废水,脱盐率始终保持在95%以上;而产水率则从48%降到13.1%。采用内插法分析最优条件下处理结果,利用三套同样的膜分离装置进行适当的串联和并联,构成循环型的废水处理系统,可以实现山东鲁南化肥厂高浓度NH4Cl废水的零排放和资源化利用。即:清水(产水率25.3%)达到工业回用水标准,浓水(产水率74.7%),可以满足企业回收生产NH4Cl化肥的要求,清水水质好,直接可以用于二次生产,基本满足企业用水要求,无需再耗费新的水资源。在不同的处理条件下,对不同浓度的NH4Cl废水进行处理,获得大量翔实试验数据的基础上,采用数据回归分析系统——DRS公式软件包对试验数据进行处理分析,建立脱盐率以及产水率随膜分离压力、进水浓度、pH值等工艺条件变化的经验关系模型。NH4+-N去除率(Y1%)、Cl-去除率(Y2%)和产水率(Y3%)的预测模型:

【Abstract】 With the development of fertilizer industry in China, the influence to the environment that caused by the industrial wastewater with ammonium-chloride was more and more severe , the large amount of the wastewater discharging of ammonium-nitrogen and Cl-(chloride ion)would do harm to the environment. If the concentration of ammonia-nitrogen was too high, it would cause the eutrophication of the water and do harm to the health of human beings to some degree. The large amount of chloride ion would also change the structure of the soil and do damage to the crops and underground buildings. However, to study the economical and efficient technology of dealing with the high concentration of ammonium-chloride industrial waster water was much of important.In this thesis, the author looked up a lot of documents and considered the present situation of membrane technology and mechanism of separation. Considering the wastewater of Lunan fertilizer factory, when the concentration of ammonia-nitrogen was more than 13000 milligram per liter in ammonium-chloride wastewater, chemical fertilizer could be made by technique now available. Using the patent production—nano material composite membrane, a separating device was designed and assembled by the author.With the simulated high concentration ammonium—chloride wastewater, the optimizes operating situation was obtained with the treatment of the separating device. According to the relationship between the desalination, fresh water production and operation parameters, the treatment conditions were optimized as follows: membrane separation pressure was 5.5Mpa, wastewater temperature was at 35℃, pH value was 6. When this device was used for the dispose of the wastewater with NH4+-N of 1304mg·L-1~14071mg·L-1 and Cl- of 3255mg·L-1 ~30152mg·L-1, a desalination over 95% could always be maintained, and the fresh water production changed from 48% to 13%. For a kind of NH4Cl wastewater discharged from a fertilizer plant, which contained Cl- of 28710 mg·L-1 and NH4+-N of 9457 mg·L-1, a disposal system consisted of three same membrane devices was designed, a fresh water which was up to the water quality standard for

  • 【分类号】X703
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