

Effects of Water-Saving Irrigation Patterns on Integrated Benefits of Cotton in Deserted Oasis of Minqin

【作者】 刘丽霞

【导师】 辛全才;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水利水电工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 干旱缺水是民勤土地荒漠化的主要因素,是限制民勤农业持续发展的主要原因,而节水灌溉技术是今后农业可持续发展主要措施之一。本研究以民勤绿洲节水灌溉为研究内容,确定合理的灌溉制度,以此缓解绿洲水资源的供需矛盾,提高水资源的利用率。通过在典型荒漠区的可行性研究,提出在我国西部干旱条件下推广节水灌溉技术的措施,为西北干旱、半干旱地区开展节水农业提供理论依据。 本研究在试验区内进行了滴灌、喷灌和防渗渠畦灌棉花试验,滴灌分为三种不同的节水灌溉方式处理,喷灌采用覆膜与不覆膜两种处理,防渗渠畦灌试验为对照实验。通过对棉花一个生长季的研究与分析,结果表明,与土渠漫灌相比,节水灌溉技术具有增产、增收、节水、节地、省工省力的效果。不同灌溉方式间单位产量存在显著差异,80%田间持水量灌溉处理产量最高,防渗渠畦灌次之,喷灌的产量最低;与土渠漫灌单位产量相比,滴灌增产4.0%~25.9%;防渗渠畦灌增产17.5%;喷灌产量下降22.4%~37.8%;滴灌试验中不同灌溉处理对产量的影响显著,随着灌溉定额的减少,产量随之下降,主要原因是60%田间持水量的灌溉处理限制了棉株的生长发育,降低了产量;不同灌溉方式的灌溉定额与绿洲内土渠漫灌平均灌溉定额相比,滴灌节水47.7%~54.4%,防渗渠畦灌节水38.56%,喷灌节水58.2%;滴灌、喷灌及防渗渠畦灌与土渠漫灌相比分别省工16.2%、25.1%和3.6%;滴灌和喷灌较防渗渠畦和土渠漫灌节地约5%~7%;从净收益来看,防渗渠畦灌较土渠漫灌经济效益提高了34.2%,滴灌提高了9.8%~48.2%,喷灌则下降了23.8%和44.7%;而且采用不同灌溉方式种植棉花,对于成铃率、衣指、衣分、纤维长度、产量等指标,滴灌要优于喷灌和防渗渠畦灌;而成铃数、种子数、铃重、籽指等指标,滴灌、喷灌均小于防渗渠畦灌。绿洲内棉花节水灌溉种植试验结果表明滴灌和防渗渠畦灌收效明显,可在该地区推广应用,喷灌则因可能引起土地的次生盐碱化、土地墒情退化等负面效应,有待于今后继续观察试验,建议谨慎采用。

【Abstract】 The drought is the major reason of desertification in the Minqin County, which even limited the continuous development of agriculture there. So the Water Saving Irrigation is mostly considered to promote agriculture’s development in the future. This paper, studying the irrigation in the Minqin Oasis, made an improved irrigating regulation to reduce the conflict between the supply and requirement of water and raise the utilization efficiency of water source. The detailed means is proposed to apply the Water Saving Irrigation in the dry west area, based on the feasibility study of representative hungriness section. It is also a theoretical reference for all the droughty or semiarid area of north-west.In the oasis, trial of irrigating cotton is done by three different ways, which is drip irrigation, semifixation spray irrigation and seepage-preventing ditch irrigation. Thereinto, drip irrigation is divided into three treatments of different ration. Tectorial and untectorial treatment are adopted to semifixation spray irrigation. At the same time, seepage-preventing trial is done. By study of one growth season, it shows that the indexes, Comparing with flood irrigation, water-saving technique has the effect of increasing production and harvest, economizing water, energy sources and field, saving work, time and power. It has best significance difference among unit yield of using different irrigation ways. The highest yield is in irrigation treatment of 80% field moisture capacity, it is secondary in seepage-preventing ditch irrigation treatment and is the lowest in spray irrigation treatment. Drip irrigation increase yield 4.0%~25.9%,Seepage-preventing ditch irrigation increase yield 17.5%, and spray irrigation decrease yield 22.4~37.8% comparing with flood irrigation. The effect to yield is obvious in drip irrigation treatment of different irrigation ration. Yield decreases with reducing of irrigation ration.drip irrigation economize 47.7~54.4% water,Seepage-preventing ditch irrigation economize 38.56% waterand spray irrigation economize 58.2% water comparing with flood irrigation. Seepage-preventing ditch irrigation,

  • 【分类号】S562
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