

Studies on the Waterscape Used in Xi’an Residential Area

【作者】 段斐

【导师】 邹志荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 水是我国古典园林中非常重要的构景要素,古代的城市园林多因水而建,以水为题,因水得景,构成瀑流飞溅等各种水景的变化。在现代居住区的环境设计中,水资源因其特有的文化、景观、生态优势,一直具有重要的地位,在住区的开发中能体现出很高的经济价值。为满足人们赏水亲水的需要,目前各地住宅小区建设、城市公共建筑周边环境设计中,都加大了水景、水体的应用。水是人类与自然联系的纽带,水景是景观设计中最富有魅力的要素,它使环境有了灵性,使环境与人类更加接近。住区中的水景是人与自然和谐共生、持续发展的集中表现,是现代居住区的特色荟萃。文中阐述了西安市水资源及水景住区发展状况,并简要介绍了住区水景观应用的形式及特点。目前静水景观在住区中应用的形式为水池、池塘、游泳池等;动水景观在住区中的应用形式为溪流、瀑布、叠水、壁泉、喷泉等;而将各种水景观组合起来,可形成独特的设计效果。从水景观的功能性要求、整体性要求、水景与其他构景要素的搭配、人性化设计、文化特色要求及生态要求等方面进一步阐明了西安住区营造水景观的原则及设计要求。特别是针对解决住区的水资源匮乏和冬季水景观问题提出了有益的建议和方案构思。以西安豪盛.时代华城、紫薇田园都市等五个有代表性的水景楼盘为主要调查研究对象。调查结果表明,西安市住区在水景营造过程中存在以下问题:具有城市文化特色的水景观较少;水景观的形式较为单一;水景观的设计与后期养护管理不同步,冬季的水景观效果欠佳,水面藏污纳垢,管线暴露。几乎闲置;实用性、亲水性及生态功能较差;住区水环境设计不合理,应将住宅水景循环净化装置与中水回用结合在一起。由于住宅区有其特定的环境条件和运作机构,是一个复杂的综合体,因此选用二级模糊数学综合评判法为评价评价媒介,以景观、社会、生态和经济等4个关联因素作为评价单元,设定了20个评价指标,构建了住宅区水景观的评价体系,并以2个有代表性的住宅区水景,试用该体系进行了对西安市两个有代表性的水景住区进行了评定和验证,并得出了评价结论:豪胜.时代华城的综合水景观质量优于紫薇田园都市。水景观评价体系的构建,实现了对住宅区水景定性评述向定性与定量评述的转化,能够较为准确地反映西安市住区的水景观效果,评价结论能反映出水景观的实际情况。对西安住区水景营造的探讨有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 Water resource is one of most important factor in classical landscape design.Most classical city was built nearby water environment.Based on the water feature can creat different beautiful sites.Water is one of the most important factors in landscape design in modern city residential area. Because it owns the specific advantages of culture, landscape and zoology. Water resource can always reflect high economic value in living site developing process. The living area waterscape represents the harmoniousness as well as the sustainable development relationship between human being and nature. Waterscape is the special feature of modern residential area.More and more waterscape is applied in external space in Xi’an in current years. This article analyzed the status of water resource in Xi’an and the development of waterscape residential area. And briefly introduced the character and form of applying for waterscape design in living area. The static waterscape which used in residential area is cistern, pond, and swimming pool,and the dynamic style is lake,waterfall,terrace waterscape,wall font and fountain.Combination of static waterscape and dynamic waterscape can creat special site.Then interpreted the principle which can be used in natural community constructing. This article also bring forward some suggestions on solving the problems of winter waterscape planning.Choose 5 typical waterscape livingsite as investigative objective. The results indicates some problem exsit in waterscape design,such as lacking of local city culture,waterscape designing can’t satisfied aim, still haven’t found an effective way to solve waterscape during winter,and the value of practicality and ecological function is not available. According to investigation and analysis on the waterscape of residential district in Xi’an city, the waterscape evaluation system which consists of 21 evaluation indexes based on four major factors and the method of two-progression fuzzy evaluation, has been built up and applied to 2 cases which thought to be symbolize the waterscape effect accurately. The waterscape evaluation system established achieving the goal that converting from the qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis in waterscape on living site.The evaluation results indicates the quality of waterscape in Haosheng living site excelled ZiWei residential. The evaluation progress exists the certain subjectivity, especially the selecting of the evaluation factor, so the whole dissertation still need the further exploration and verification.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】7
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