

Microsatellite Marker Research on the Growth and Development Traits in Boer and Its Grading Hybridization

【作者】 程雪妮

【导师】 曹斌云;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验对布尔山羊及其与关中奶山羊级进杂交后代生长发育进行了研究,并利用微卫星标记技术,选用了6个微卫星引物,以体尺体重性状作为衡量山羊生长发育性状的指标,运用最小二乘线性模型,对所检测到的多态位点与生长发育性状的关系进行了分析,旨在为布尔山羊的杂交改良、杂种优势利用、后代标记辅助选择(MAS)提供试验依据。结果如下:1.通过对布尔山羊及其与关中奶山羊级进杂交后代的体重、体高、体长、胸围和管围等指标进行分析表明:(1)杂交一代(F1)羊的生长发育速度明显高于同龄布尔羊,1、2、3月龄F1代公羊体重比同龄布尔公羊提高了18.82%、19.42%和15.26%,F1代母羊体重比同龄布尔母羊提高了29.93%、31.09%和18.06%,体重差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。F1代公羊、母羊的体尺指标明显大于同龄布尔公、母羊,其中胸围差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)杂交二代(F2)1、2、3月龄公、母羊的体重、体尺和同龄布尔公、母羊之间差异不显著。与同龄F1代公、母羊相比,F2代的1、2、3月龄体尺体重低,差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)杂交三代(F3)公、母羊的体重体尺均大于同龄布尔公、母羊,而趋同于同龄F1代公、母羊。2.通过对布尔山羊及其级进杂交后代生长发育性状进行微卫星标记分析,表明:(1)所用的6个多态微卫星位点的等位基因数在6-10之间,有效等位基因数在4.9652-9.8135之间,多态信息含量在0.7717-0.8981之间,属于高度多态位点。(2)在CSSM019位点,AF(160/180)基因型个体的体重、体高、胸围和管围均显著高于EI(170/190)基因型个体(P<0.05);(3)在OarFCB0193位点,CF(132/148)基因型有低于AD(122/136)的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05);(4)布尔羊群体在IDVGA-27位点,AD(154/174)、CE(161/180)、BE(159/180)和CF(161/183)基因型之间差异不显著(P>0.05);F1、F2、F3代群体内,AD高于CF(P<0.05)。初步可以看出C基因(161bp)对生长发育性状有负向效应;(5)在MCM38位点,BF(144/171)基因型表现正向效应,在多项指标上大于AE(141/168)、BG(144/174)、CH(148/177)、DH(152/177)和DI(152/185)基因型(P<0.05);(6)在CSSM004位点,AD(176/205)基因型为优势基因型,AD大于CG(187/221)

【Abstract】 Boer goat and its hybridized offsprings with Guanzhong dairy goat were used as research populations. Their growth and development traits were measured and microsatellite markers were selected to evaluate the effects of genotypes on 6 microsatellite loci using general linear model (GLM) according to their performance traits. This study will be meaningful to the breeding and improvement of Boer Goat, the utilization of heterosis and marker assisted selection (MAS). The results were as follows:1. According to the analysis of body weight, withers height, body length, heart girth and circumference of cannon bone of the goat populations, the results were:(1) The hybridized offsprings of F1 grew and developed faster than the purebreds at the same ages, the weight male goats of F1 at 1, 2 and 3 month old were improved by 18.82%, 19.42% and 15.26% than the male purebred Boer goat respectively while the female goats of F1 at 1, 2 and 3 month old were improved by 29.93%,31.09% and 18.06% than the female purebred Boer respectively. The difference of weight between the hybridized offsprings and F1 was significant. The differences of physical measures especially heart girth within the same gender between F1 and the purebreds were significant.(2) The differences of performance traits of F2 at 1, 2 and 3 month old between male and female goats were not significant. The performance traits within the same gender at 1, 2 and 3 month old were lower than the F1.(3) The performance traits of F3 within the same gender were better than the purebred and similar to F1.2.According to the analysis of the 6 microsatellite loci, the results were:(1) These 6 selected genetic microsatellite loci have 6-10 observed allelic numbers (Na) and have 4.9652-9.8135 effective allelic numbers (Ne). The polymorphism information contents (PIC) is between 0.7717 and 0.8981. These loci belong to polymorphism loci.(2) As to the CSSM019 locus, the body weight, withers height, heart girth and circumference of cannon bone of the genotype of AF (160/180) goat was significant

  • 【分类号】S827
  • 【被引频次】2
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