

A Study on Slope Farmland and Infiltration Runoff and Soil Erosion in the West Region of Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 王贵作

【导师】 张忠学;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 水土资源是人类生存和发展的重要物质基础,是进行农业生产的基本条件,大量的水土流失已经成为不可忽视的全球性生态问题。严重的水土流失不但可以导致生态环境恶化,而且对地表土层的破坏,会使土地的生产能力下降,影响农业生产。根据黑龙江省水利厅资料显示,全省境内现有耕地1.4亿亩,发生水土流失面积已高达8000万亩。黑土区水土流失面积27.59万平方公里,占黑土区总面积的27.1%。所以预防和治理水土流失,开展水土流失规律研究已成当务之急。本文通过现场试验和理论研究探讨了黑龙江省西部黑土区坡耕地水土流失规律,建立了黑土区坡耕地土壤水分入渗和径流模型,并对不同作物、不同耕作处理条件下的坡耕地水土流失进行评价。现场试验于2003~2005年在黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市甘南县兴隆乡东兴村进行,通过分析得出以下结论:1.入渗试验研究表明:传统的入渗研究方法得出的结论只能反映土壤本身的入渗性质,而不能很好的描述降雨条件下的土壤水分入渗过程;深松和未深松土壤60分钟入渗量分别为65.85mm和42.03mm,前者是后者的1.57倍,说明深松土壤的入渗性能明显优于未深松土壤。2.降雨径流试验表明:黑土区降雨强度与产流历时密切相关,在降雨强度由40 mm/h增大到120mm/h过程中,产流历时由18.79min缩短为4.63min,即产流历时随着降雨强度的增大而缩短。3.降雨条件下土壤水入渗模型对比研究表明:Horton、Philip和Kostiakov三个入渗模型对实测入渗衰退过程拟合效果都比较理想,其中Kostiakov模型尤为理想,更适用于黑土区土壤水分入渗过程模拟。4.侧向单喷模拟降雨试验表明:虽然坡面径流模型能比较准确地描述小区控制面积下的径流过程,但在进行野外坡面径流量预测时,不能忽略面积的大幅扩大对模型预测精度的影响。5.试验研究表明:大田作物对水土流失有一定的控制作用,小区作物控制水分效果的排序为玉米>葵花>大豆,泥沙流失量排序为葵花>大豆>玉米;此外,综合三年的观测数据,深松裸地年径深比未深松裸地减少3.1%,深松裸地年泥沙损失量比未深松裸地最大减幅达28.4%,这充分说明振动深松措施能够有效地减少年径流量和泥沙损失量,很好的控制坡耕地的水土流失。

【Abstract】 Water and soil resource are important substantial basic of people’s subsistence and development,especially are essential conditions of agriculture production, a mass of water and soil loss became a global bionomics question. The water and soil loss not only bring on entironment worsement,but also reduced the capacity of ground yield by destroy surface layer of soil. According to the data provided by Water Department of Helongjiang Province,we can see that there is 140 million mus farmlands in Heilongjiang province, but 80 million mus thereinto has a water and soil loss problem. Furthermore,27.1% land has water and soil loss in the 279.5 thousand square kilometer blackland zone of Heilongjiang. So prevent and control water and soil loss, conduct studies on law of water and soil loss are necessary.This paper through field test and theory research in the west of Heilongjiang province, analyze the water and soil loss regulation of slope farmland in blackland. Established slope farmland infiltration model and runoff model. Evaluate the slope farmland water and soil under different crop and different cultivation treatment. The locale experiments were made in Dongxing of Gannan county of Qiqihaer city in Heilongjiang province from 2003 to 2005,The primarily results were display as follows:1. The infiltration test showed that the conventional experimentation of infiltration only test the soil character, hard to describe the process of soil percolation; The respective infiltrated volume is 65.85mm and 42.03mm of the deeply vibrating loosen soil and the no deeply vibrating loosen soil in 60 minutes,the former is 1.57 times than the latter,it means that the infiltration characteristics of deeply vibrating loosen soil is higher than no deeply vibrating loosen soil.2. The rainfall-runoff test show that there are higher connection between rainfall intensity and runoff duration in blackland. The runoff duration reduce from 18.79min to 4.63min by the rainfall intensity increase from 40 mm/h to 120mm/h,the runoff duration will be shorter with increase the rainfall intensity.3. The results of contrast of infiltration model under rainfall show that Horton formula,Philip formula and Kostiakov formula are fit for simulating the infiltration process,and the simulate result

【关键词】 半干旱区坡耕地入渗径流土壤侵蚀
【Key words】 semi-arid areaslope farmlandinfiltrationrunoffsoil erosion
  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】402