

【作者】 田丽红

【导师】 王敏伟;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳药科大学 , 药理学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 肝炎灵浸膏(GYL)为一中药复方制剂,其主要成分为:黄芪,甘草,柴胡,山茱萸,佛手,当归,五味子,垂盆草,枳实,白花舌蛇草,白芍,半枝莲等十二味中药组成,系临床经验方,据文献报道其各单味中药均有保护肝脏的作用。本文对该复方的药效学作用进行了研究,对其作用机理进行了初步探讨。实验结果表明,肝炎灵浸膏对四氯化碳(CCl4),D-半乳糖胺(D-Gal),刀豆蛋白(ConA),硫代乙酰胺(TAA)致小鼠急性肝损伤有保护作用,可明显降低上述各种化学物质造成的小鼠急性肝损伤血清ALT,AST升高,量效关系明显,GYL抗急性实验性肝损伤,保护肝脏的作用。在慢性肝损伤实验中,GYL可明显降低复合因素致肝硬化大鼠血清LN,PⅢP,HA的升高及肝组织匀浆HYP含量的升高,在病理切片中可明显看到GYL各剂量组与模型组比较肝脏病理明显改善,肝细胞坏死,脂肪变形,肝纤维化程度均有改善,显示了其抗肝硬化的作用。退黄利胆实验中,GYL效果不明显。免疫实验中,GYL可以明显提高氢化可的松致免疫低下小鼠巨嗜细胞吞噬功能,提高碳粒廓清指数,明显提高环磷酰胺致免疫力低下小鼠抗体生成能力,提高溶血素值。在ConA诱导小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖试验中GYL显示了其双向调节细胞免疫力的功效,即低浓度促进高浓度抑制,在正常小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖实验中,GYL可剂量依赖性促进小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖能力。在其机理探讨中,GYL可显著降低CCl4致小鼠急性肝损伤中肝匀浆MDA含量的升高,显著降低肝硬化大鼠血清MDA,NO含量的升高,升高肝硬化大鼠血清SOD水平,可以抑制肝纤维化早期过程中甘油三酯,总胆固醇的升高并升高晚期肝硬化大鼠血清总胆固醇含量,显示了其调节脂类代谢的作用;GYL还可以降低肝硬化大鼠血清AKP,γ-GT含量,升高肝硬化大鼠血清CHE含量及提高A/G比,显示了其改善肝功能的作用。综上,GYL有保护肝脏的作用,此作用可能与其抗脂质过氧化,调节免疫,调节脂类代谢,改善肝功能等作用有关。

【Abstract】 GANYANLING(GYL) extracts is a compound Traditional Chinese Medicine including radix astrgadli, radix glycyrrhizae, radix bupleurum, fructus corni, fructus citri sarcodactylis, radix angelicae sinensis, fructus salvaiae miltiorrhizae, schisandrae chnensis, herba sedi, fructus aurantum, hedyotidis herba ,barbed skullcap herb. According to the literature the single medicine can protect liver from damage. The effects of the compound has little reports so we study the GYL’s main pharmacodynamics action and its’ mechanism .From the results, GYL could prevent liver from acute damage induced by CCl4, D-Gal, ConA and TAA. It decreased the serum ALT, AST activities in acute hepatic mice and displayd the effects in dose-dependent manner. In chronic hepatic injured experiments, GYL also obviously lowered hepatic cirrhosis rat the serum LN, HA, PⅢP contents and the liver homogenate HYP contents. From the pathologic section, compared with model group, all groups of GYL improved the rat hepatic phathology. Rats hepatic cell necrosis, lipid degeneration, liver fibrosis were all abated. In receding jaudice and normalizing gallbladder experiments, GYL had no obvious effect. In immunology experiments, GYL enhanced phagocyte function and accelarated carbon clearance in immunodepression mice induced by Hydrocortisone(HY). At the same time GYL stimulated antibody forming and increased hymolytic OD in hypoimmunity mice induced by Cyclophosphamide(CTX). In lymphocyte proliferation experiments of ConA stimulated mice, GYL regulated cell immunity according to its concentration . GYL promoted proliferation in lower dose and restrained the proliferation in higher dose. In normal mice lymphocyte proliferation experiments GYL stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in a increasing dose manner. The mechanism showed that it lowered liver homogenate MDA contents in acute liver damage experiment. It also lowered serum MDA, NO contents and raise serum SOD level in hepatic cirrhosis rats. It showed that GYL had the effects of antilipid-peroxidation. GYL also inhabited serum TC and TG in liver fibrosis rats and raised serum TC contents in hepatic cirrhosis rats. It showed that GYL could regulate lipid metabolism. At the same time, GYL could reduce serum AKP,γ-GT contents and raise the contents of CHE and A/G ratio in hepatic cirrhosis rats. The results showed that GYL could improve hepatic function.Above all, GYL can protect liver. It’ s mechanism maybe related to it’ s antilipid-oxidation, regulation of immunity and lipid metabolism, and improvement of liver function.

  • 【分类号】R285
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】150