

Study on the Critical Care Family Needs

【作者】 刘辉

【导师】 王丽姿;

【作者基本信息】 第一军医大学 , 护理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 背景:重症监护使危急重病的抢救成功率明显提高,增强了对衰竭器官的支持和保护能力,许多重危患者在严密监护与精心治疗下,度过了生命中最危险时刻,走向康复。研究表明,亲人重病给家属造成的巨大压力可以直接影响家属健康,轻者表现为神经内分泌功能失调,出现全身不适、体重下降、疲乏、倦怠、疼痛、失眠、肠胃功能紊乱等症状,严重者甚至发生抑郁症。家属的健康状况又与患者的康复密切相关,家属的情绪状态可以帮助患者获得医疗手段以外的、精神上的安慰与寄托,有助于增强患者战胜疾病的信心,利于康复。反之家属的不良情绪和行为会给患者带来消极影响。现代护理概念强调人的整体性,人不是孤立的个体,家庭是个体最重要的社会支持力量,患者与家属互相影响。所以,满足患者家属需求可以帮助家属维持身心健康,更为深远的意义是利于患者康复,回归社会。 70年代起国外学者开始重视满足患者家属需求的问题,在大量调查研究的基础上,1979年Molter NC主编的重危患者家属需求量表(CCFND问世。80年代重危患者家属需求成为国外护理的研究热点,至今方兴未艾。1991年Leske对CCFNI进行修订,使之更为完善,因其表达规范,评分量化,在国内外广泛应用。CCFNI作为一个具体的评估家属需求的工具,为ICU成员有的放矢地满足特殊人群的需求、改进ICU管理模式、提高患者及家属的满意度,提出了积极有效的方法。

【Abstract】 BackgroundsIntensive care makes obvious increasing in rescue achievement ratio of critical deseases and enhance the ability to support and protect failure organs. Many critical patients recovered from illness gradually because of intensive care. Critical care has been firstly focused on the impacts of a life-threatening illness on patient. Limited attention and care has been paid to critical patients’ family members, whose needs have been ignored or inaccurately perceived by intensive care unit (ICU) medical staff. Lots of study show critical illness and subsequent hospitalization are a kind of stress for critical patients’ family members, that may be a direct influence to family members’ health. Furthermore, there is a close correlation between health condition of family members and convalescence of patients . So to meet needs of critical patients’ family members can relieve the stress of family members and retain their physical and mental health, accordingly benefit patient’s recovery.Last 30 years, the needs of families of critically ill patients have been addressed in several research studies in Western ICU institutions. Based on lots of early studies, the first edition of the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI) was established by Molter (1979).Then critical care family needs became to research hot spot until today in west counties. CCFNI was revised by Leske(1991) and be used wildly

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