

The Philosophy Reflection and Influence of Digital Technology to Film

【作者】 张慧

【导师】 甘自恒;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 电影是科学技术发展与文学艺术发展相结合的产物,它的发展特别借助于技术的革新。纵观电影的发展进程,技术一直起着先导的作用。上世纪末以来,一系列数字化技术如计算机图形技术、数字影像合成技术、三维技术、数字处理技术、电子数码信息技术、三维动画、虚拟技术、非线性剪辑、蓝屏跟踪技术、宽带网络传输及全数字电影拍摄、下载、播映等新技术既给全球观众带来了匪夷所思的惊喜和焕然一新的视听体验,使电影制作、电影发行、电影存储的方式发生了重大变化,同时也使电影艺术的范围、性质、电影的表现力及电影美学理论面临巨大的发展机遇和挑战,引发了人们对电影本质、电影美学的重新思考。数字化技术极大地扩展了电影的表现空间和表现能力,创造了人们前所未闻的视听奇观。数字技术在电影领域的全面应用是继电影史上从无声到有声、从黑白到彩色的第三次革命。这次革命对电影业的冲击是天翻地覆、前所未有的,其深度和广度与前两次相比,有过之而无不及。 数字技术裹挟着超凡的力量,将电影带入到一个全新的生存空间。中国电影已走过百年历程,百年风雨兼程的历史正好搭上了数字技术的列车。数字技术在给电影业带来革命性影响的同时,也带给了我们无尽的思考。本文立足科技哲学的视角,先从界定数字技术和电影的内涵入手,接下来阐述数字技术给电影及其产业带来的深刻影响:促使新的电影样式、电影类型的出现;丰富了电影的制作、发行、放映方式;改变了电影的传播方式;引发了人们对电影本质的重新探求,改变了传统电影的审美观念;带来了更高的票房收入等。同时本文也清楚的指出如果过分炫耀技术,也会事与愿违,带来种种负面影响。最后,本文分析了我国电影业在数字技术

【Abstract】 Film is the result of science, technology, literature and art development, whose growing depends on the technology innovation. There are not any culture products that can combine with it so closely as film in the present digital period and it acts as a forerunner all the time in the product of film growing. Since the end of last century, a series of digital technology have given the worldwide audience incredible amazement and entirely new experience on seeing and hearing, For Example: Computer graphical technology, digital image synthesis technology, three—dimensional technology, digital processing technology, electronic digital information technology, three—dimensional animation, virtual technology, non—linear editing technology, blue screen tracer technique, broadband network transmission, and the technology of whole digital—movie filming, downloading and televising. Besides that, it has also changed the ways of film making、 publishing and saving. Meanwhile, some classic film theories, such as, the scale and nature of film art, ability of expression, film aesthetics have confronted overwhelmingly opportunity and challenges. Because of it which make people doubtful about the nature of film expression, created the unheard—of miracle for people on seeing and hearing. Its application in every aspects of film area can be the third revolution on history of film. After the former two that changed from mute to sound., back—and—white to color, While lasted the film industry unprecedented and tremendously. And it goes even farther than last one through comparing their depth and widths.

【关键词】 电影数字技术哲学反思
【Key words】 filmdigital technologyphilosophy reflection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】J916
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1962