

Perforation Completion Optimization for Injection Well

【作者】 熊涛

【导师】 卢祥国; 王群嶷;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 射孔是完井工艺最后的一个环节,因此注水井射孔完井的优劣对其吸水能力的影响就显得十分重要。要确定吸水能力就必须考虑影响水井井眼附近流动的因素。对油藏而言,这些因素包括孔眼的大小、深度、射孔密度、相位、射孔和钻井带来的污染等等。由于孔眼布局的几何空间的复杂性,使砂岩油藏射孔完井吸水能力的确定比常规裸眼井的吸水能力确定要复杂得多。本文通过开展水井射孔完井优化方法的研究,用有限元方法进行数值模拟来获得射孔参数对吸水能力影响关系的认识,分析各项射孔参数对吸水能力的敏感性,预测不同射孔条件下水井的吸水能力。为了避免射孔造成对产层的严重伤害,有效提高射孔井产能,准确确定获得无伤害所需的射孔负压是进行射孔完井优化设计的重要内容。负压值过小,达不到清洁孔眼、保护油层的目的;过大可能造成地层出砂、垮塌、套管挤毁或封隔器失效和其它方面的问题,为此利用有限元模型、流体非达西渗流规律建立了预测确保孔眼清洁最小负压的新方法;以及射孔后孔眼的岩石应力应变模型以求解保证孔眼稳定防止地层出砂的最大负压新方法。运用此项研究得出的一套注水井射孔完井参数预测的理论方法,为提高差油层的吸水能力、减轻油层超破压注水提供了新思路。通过优选射孔参数,实施优化射孔,调整产液剖面,对提高薄差油层的动用程度、减缓注水压力过大,有一定的作用。优化方法既可以应用于初始完井阶段,进行射孔参数的优化设计;也可以在针对现有注水井评价的基础上进行射孔参数的调整,通过合理设计补孔参数达到提高注水井吸水能力的目的,有效指导油田水井的合理开发,提高注水井射孔完井的科学性和准确性。

【Abstract】 Perforation is the last step of well completion, so injection well perforation completion has great influence on water absorbing capability. Factors that affect water flow in near wellbore zone include perforation size, depth, density, phase and pollution that caused by drilling and perforation, etc. Due to the complicacy of perforation layout, water absorbing capability of sandstone reservoir completed by perforation is much more complicated than that of conventional open hole wells.Perforation completion optimization for injection well is to apply Finite Element Method to conduct numerical simulation to determine the effect of perforation parameters on water absorbing capability, and analyze the response of water absorbing capability to each parameter, and then predict the injection wells’water absorbing capability under various perforation condition. In order to avoid the serious damage of perforation on formation and improve the productivity, the determination of perforation negative pressure is the key point of perforation optimization design. Over low negative pressure may affect perforation cleaning and formation protection, and over high negative pressure may cause sand out, formation collapse, casing damage or package failure, etc. So new method that using Finite Element Method and non-Darcy flow law is researched to determine minimum negative pressure that can ensure clean perforation, and perforated rock stress-strain model is established to get maximum negative pressure that can keep perforation stable and prevent sand out.This injection well perforation parameter prediction theoretical method provides a new way to improve poor formation’s water absorbing capability and mitigate over fracture pressure injection. Optimized perforation can increase laminated reservoir’s productivity and reduce injection pressure. It not only can be applied in initial completion stage to optimize parameters, but also can help to adjust parameters for existing injection wells to

  • 【分类号】TE257.1
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