

The Rhetorical Strategies of Shi Zhecun’s Novels

【作者】 蔡莉娜

【导师】 王文彬;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 施蛰存的小说是讲究“独特之美”的,研究者们从社会、文化、历史等不同的角度对他的小说创作进行了细致的阐释。本文则从小说修辞的角度切入施蛰存的小说文本,试图用作家的修辞策略来分析他独特的小说世界。具体从以下三个方面进行论述: 第一部分为“人物形象”。施蛰存关注“饮食男女”,描写男女间的情欲关系,不管是对尘封历史中的名人,还是对现代都市中的芸芸众生,作者的笔都会深入到人物的潜意识,描写他们的性心理,从而探索人性的问题。而人物内心世界的丰富和性格外部特征的模糊,是施蛰存人物刻画的特点。 第二部分为“叙事技巧”。主要从四个方面展开:叙事视角的安排,有故事性的圆形结构,交错而跳跃的叙事时空,叙事意象的选择。 第三部分为“反讽修辞”。在施蛰存的小说中,主要研究了情境反讽和模式反讽。情境反讽分为个别反讽和总体反讽两种类型;模式反讽分为以下三种类型:对传统志怪小说模式的反讽,对传统通灵小说模式的反讽,对传统才子佳人小说模式的反讽。

【Abstract】 Shi Zhecun’s novels attach great importance to the "unique beauty". The researchers have explained his novels in great detail from the perspectives of society, culture and history, etc. This article explores his novels from the angle of rhetoric, with an attempt to analyse his unique novels on the basis of the rhetorical strategies Shi Zhecun employed. The article consists of three parts in detail.The first part is "Characterization". Shi Zhecun depicts sexual passion and penetrates into the characters’ subconsciousness. The description of his characters ranges from the sexual psychology of celebrities in history to that of common people in modern world, through which Shi Zhecun explores the human nature. His characterization is featured by the richness of the characters’ inner world and the vagueness of their outer personalities.The second part is "narrative skills". There are four key points: the arrangement of point of view, there is narrative circular structure, interveined and leaping narrative space and time, the choice of narrative images.The third part is "ironic rhetoric". Shi Zhecun’s novels mainly deal with situation irony and model irony. The formal can be divided into two categories, that is separate irony and genera irony. While the latter includes three types: the irony of traditional tales of mystery, the irony of traditional tales of supernatural, ghost, and the irony of traditional tales of talented scholars and lovely ladies.

【关键词】 施蛰存小说修辞人物叙事反讽
【Key words】 Shi Zhecunnovel rhetoriccharacternarrationirony
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】286