

The Research on Landscape Planning of Forest Park Based on Resource Evaluation

【作者】 王艳林

【导师】 彭重华;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 森林旅游作为一种新兴的旅游方式,正好适应了人们回归自然的需求,逐渐成为一种时尚。森林公园作为森林旅游的重要载体,其景观质量的优劣直接影响着森林旅游的效果。如何在对森林公园现有资源进行客观评价的基础上做好森林公园的景观规划,从而达到既能够科学地保护景观资源、又可以有效地挖掘利用资源潜力、创造社会经济效益,这个问题在理论和实践两个方面均需要进一步探讨。 本文借助景观生态学、森林美学、审美心理学等理论的研究成果,归纳了森林公园景观资源评价的具体方法,在此基础上初步研究了如何基于森林公园景观资源进行客观评价的角度进行森林公园的景观规划,提出森林公园景观规划的五个方面的内容:景观功能分区规划、环境保护规划、植物景观规划、景观建筑规划和基础设施规划,并结合大口国家森林公园的景观规划实例进行了研究。通过研究得出:在进行森林公园景观规划之前,以景观生态学、环境规划、森林公园环境容量等理论为指导,客观合理地评价园区景观资源,有助于规划师们针对森林公园景观资源的特色和优势,提出合乎科学原理和艺术准则的规划方案,以实现对森林公园景观资源的可持续利用;此外,通过对大口国家森林公园进行实地考察、查阅文献等方式收集相关资料,按照前述方法和步骤结合对大口国家森林公园的资源评价对该森林公园进行了初步的景观规划,可用于指导该公园的景观规划和进一步的森林旅游项目开发,有助于该公园今后的建设和发展,也希望能够为其他森林公园的景观规划提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 As a newly-emerged way of tourism, forest tourism meets the praveiling demand of people to return to the nature and is becoming one fashion gradually. Forest Park is an important carrier of forest tourism, so its landscape quality affects the effect of forest tourism directly. Here is a problem that is necessary to be discussed both in theory and in practice: based on evaluating the present landscape resources, how can we plan the landscape in forest parks well in order to protect the landscape resources scientifically while we make social and economic profit by taking advantage of the protential landscape resources?By studying the theories of landscape ecology, forest aesthetics , aesthetic psychology.etc, this paper sums up the principles and methods of evaluating the landscape resources in forest parks. Based on which, the author studies how to plan the landscape in forest parks, puts forwards following contents of five aspects: Landscape Functional Zoning, Environmental Protection Planning, Planning of Landscape Plants, Planning of Landscape Building, Traffic Planning and Infrastructure Planning and studies the landscape planning of forest parks both theoretically and practically in details by taking the landscape planning of DaKou National Forest Park as an example. It reaches a conclusion that, we should regard some theories of landscape ecology, Environmental Protection Planning, environmental capacity of Forest Park, etc. as guidance and evaluate the landscape resources in forest parks objectivly and rationally before the landscape planning, which

  • 【分类号】S757
  • 【被引频次】9
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