

The Study on Various Forest Plant Community Landscape in Huangsang Nature Reserve

【作者】 黄宗胜

【导师】 彭重华;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文对黄桑演替阶段森林植物群落景观特征、格局、美学特色进行了较全面的研究,达到了预期目的,从而为更好地保护黄桑森林植物群落景观、保护区资源管理、园林植物造景、森林公园规划、自然保护区规划、风景名胜区规划提供借鉴性的理论与实践指导。研究结果如下: (1)植物群落景观特征研究结果:①植物区系特征:A、植物种类丰富:有维管束植物213科、848属、2029种。B、植物区系有许多古老的类型,如木兰科、八角科等。C、植物区系具有明显的过渡性。D、植物的特有性丰富:中国特有属23个、中国特有种735种,占本区总种数的39.5%。E、植物区系具有地理成分的复杂性和联系的广泛性。②森林植被可划分为3个植被型组,9个植被型,41个群系。③主要植物群落景观有:栲林:木荷林;亮叶水青冈林;石栎林;华榛林;鹅掌楸林;桦木林;枫香林;华南五针松林;润楠林;马尾松林;杉木林;闽楠林:云山白兰林;三尖杉林;龙胜杜鹃林;映山红灌丛;竹林;马兰灌草丛等。④植物群落景观物种多样性与群落结构的复杂性呈正相关,各景观类型物种多样性指数普遍高。⑤植物群落景观结构复杂,群落常具三层结构,且物种种类丰富。沟谷及阴坡保存有中亚热带常绿阔叶林特色林分,如穗花杉林等。⑥植物群落景观具有明显的垂直性分布:海拔1200m以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔1200-1400m之间为常绿与落叶阔叶混交林(包括针阔叶混交林);海拔1400-1700m之间为山顶矮林;海拔1700m以上为中山灌丛、草丛带。 (2)景观格局研究结果表明:①斑块特征指数分析结果:各景观类型的密度、分维数指数都较小,植被景观的深展指数都不高,各景观类型斑块的扩散是比较均匀的,没有极端复杂的形状产生,植被景观在演替系列中还没有普遍达到演替的顶级,斑块之间的自相似程度较高。②多样性指数分析结果:总体多样性程度高。景观多样性指数、优势度指数与均匀度指数三指数的结果所包含的意义一致,这种一致性充分说明了黄桑自然保护区各植被景观类型分布均匀,各景观类型地位相差较小。③空间构型指数分析结果:保护区的斑块密度为1.0008,即1 km~2的上有1.0008个斑块。这说明斑块数目较少。各景观类型中斑块数目不多,分布也较均匀。保护区景观破碎度指数为0.00708,这表明该区植被景观在研究期内所表现的生境破碎化程度是很低的。就每一植被景观类型来分析,破碎度指数最高的是灌丛和灌草丛景观,其次为栲林景观,其余景观类型的破碎度都

【Abstract】 A fruitful study of the succession forest plant community landscape characteristics, pattern and aesthetics was made in Huangsang reserve in this dissertation. The results of the study revealed the reality of the plant community landscape. The results provide theory and practice guidance and reference for protection of forest plant community landscape, management of forest resources, plant community design, forest park planning, nature reserve planning and famous sceneries planning. The results of study are as follows:(1) The study of plant community landscapes shows: 1) Plant flora characteristics include: ① Plant species are rich: A total of 2029 species and varieties falling into 848 genera, 213 families of vascular plants were identified in Huangsang Nature Reserve. ② There are many ancient geographical elements, such as Magnoliaceae and Illiciaceae. ③ The transition of the plant flora is obvious. ④ The feature of endemic to this flora is rich: There are 23 Chinese endemic genera. There are 735 Chinese endemic species, making up 39.5% of the total species. ⑤ The geographical elements of the flora are complexity. The flora communication with other flora is comprehensive. 2) Forest vegetation was classified into 3 vegetation type groups, 9 vegetation types, 41 association. 3) The main plant community landscapes are as follows: Form. Castanopsis fargesii; Form. Schima argentea; Form. Fagus lucida; Form. Lithocarpus glaber; Form. Corylus chinensis; Form. Liriodendron chinense; Form. Betula luminifera; Form. Liquidambar formosana; Form. Pinus Kwangtungensis; Form. Machilus leptophylla; Form. Pinus massoniana; Form. Cunninghamia lanceolata; Form. Phoebe bournei; Form. Michelia platypetala; Form. Cephalotaxus fortunei; Form. Rhododendron simsii; Form. Phyllostachys heterocycla. 4) The more the plant community landscape structure is complex, the higher its diversity index is. Every plant community landscape has a high diversity level. 5) The plant community landscape structure is complex. The plant community landscape usually has three lays and a lot of species. There are some special forms in some gully or gloomy slope, such as Form. Amentotaxus argotaenia. 6) The plant community landscapes have obviously vertical distribution: There are evergreen broadleaved forests under altitude 1200m. There are evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forests

  • 【分类号】S759.9
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