

【作者】 卢秀红

【导师】 王少南; 范进学;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 司法与媒体作为两种性质不同的行业,同时在民主法制建设中发挥着非常重要的作用。司法裁判的结果体现着国家强制力,具有权威性和稳定性,传媒的使命在于及时客观地向社会公众提供信息,满足公众的知情欲望;两者追求的最终价值也是一致的,根本目标都是追求司法的公正与正义。但是,二者在运行机理上存在着天然的对立性,司法独立作为一项宪法原则,确认了司法权的专属性和独立行使性,司法活动需要一个相对封闭的环境,要求与社会保持适度的隔离,不希望受到任何形式的干涉和影响。新闻舆论监督权是一项由公民表达自由权派生出来的权利,在对司法进行监督时,往往从公众的道德情感出发进行评论,而这种评论具有极大的舆论导向性,往往因不客观、不公正等因素的存在而影响司法公正审判,对司法独立造成严重冲击。 独立而公正的司法和自由且发达的传媒对于法治、民主与文明有着无以替代的重要作用。如何最大限度地发挥新闻自由的价值,又能保证司法公正,这是大众传媒、法官、司法制度乃至整个社会都必须面对的选择。作为现代法治社会的恒久性问题,传媒与司法的尖锐矛盾近年来也开始浮现于中国社会实践中。如何处理好两者之间的关系或者说平衡两者的利益,使新闻舆论监督与司法独立既相互促进,又互不侵犯,是我国当前急需解决的一个重大理论与实践问题。 本文共分为三章。 第一章:新闻舆论监督和司法独立的概述。第一节中介绍了新闻舆论监督的概念、特征和发展过程;第二节中对司法独立的涵义、起源、必要性和发展作了全面概述。 第二章:新闻舆论监督与司法独立的关系。第一节中介绍了两者的统一性;第二节中介绍了两者的冲突性;第三节中对两者发生冲突的原因和目前我国存在的现状问题进行了分析与研究。 第三章:新闻舆论监督与司法独立和谐关系的制度建构。第一节中对国外立法及实践进行了分析与研究;第二节中在吸收借鉴国外立法实践的基础上,针对协调两者关系的制度建构提出了建议。

【Abstract】 As the two different fields with different natures, judiciary and media all play important roles in our construction of democracy and legal system. The result of judicial judgment reflects the constraint of state with authority and stability. The mission of media is to supply information for the people immediately and objectively in order to satisfy the people’s desire of knowing the government’s affairs and social affairs. Judiciary and media are all pursing the same final value which is judicial fair and social justice, however, natural antagonism exists on the operation mechanism of media and judiciary, as one constitution principle, Judicial independence confirms the special attribute of judicial power, which needs a relatively close environment, requires keeping the appropriate segregation with the society, and not hope to be interfered and influenced by the external world. The supervision right of media comes out from the citizen’s freedom of speech, while carrying on supervision to the administration of justice, it often proceeds from the public morals emotion to make comments, and the comments’ great direction of public opinion often causes striking to the judicial independence seriously because of some inequitable factors.The independent judiciary and free media have very import function and can’t be substituted for the democracy and civilization. How to give play to the value of the freedom of the press to the maximum extent and also guarantee the justice is the awkward choice which the masses’ media, judge, judicial system and even the whole society must face. As the permanent question of the modern society governed by law, the sharp contradictions of the media and administration of justice begin to appear in China’s social work in recent years. How to well treat the relation between judiciary and media or to balance them and make them advance each other not invade each other is an essential problem between theory and practice for our country to settle immediately.This article consists of three chapters.Chapter 1: The comprehensive introduction of media supervision and judicial independence. In section one, I introduce the conception、 character and evolution of media supervision; In section two, I make a comprehensive introduction of judicial independence

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】G219.2;D926
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1103