

【作者】 孙锦

【导师】 柳忠卫;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济持续、快速的发展,人民生活水平不断提高,个人拥有机动车辆的比例迅速攀升,随之而来的形形色色的交通事故,交通肇事行为也层出不穷,交通肇事后逃逸也成为交通肇事罪中的多发现象,是刑事司法与理论关注的焦点,因此,旧刑法所规定的交通肇事罪的相关内容已无法满足司法实践的客观需要。现行刑法对交通肇事罪的条文进行了修改,其中最为明显的区别就在于增设了“因逃逸致人死亡”这一量刑档次,为司法机关严惩该种犯罪提供了法律依据。但是由于该条文的规定过于笼统、简单,忽视了逃逸行为的复杂情况,致使对“因逃逸致人死亡”的外延界定存在不同的理解,这又反过来导致了交通肇事罪和不作为的故意杀人罪之间关系的复杂化,影响了其适用的效果。2000年,最高人民法院审判委员会为弥补立法不足,并结束长期以来的理论争议出台了《关于审理交通肇事刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》,但是,该《解释》未能实现其初衷,反而由于其某些规定与刑法理论难以协调而使得该法条的合理性受到质疑。本文试就该《解释》出台后所引发的一些问题进行研究和探讨,对几个争议的焦点问题的各家论述进行整理,并提出笔者自己的观点。 交通肇事案件中“因逃逸致人死亡”的情形复杂,应该具体案件具体分析认定。对于交通肇事因逃逸致人死亡问题究竟应如何定性,本文认为,首先应当确定逃逸行为的准确内涵,将其他加害行为排除在逃逸行为之外,对逃逸行为作单纯的理解,科学地分析“因逃逸致人死亡”的主观罪过形式、对象范围、法律性质及定罪量刑,这才符合立法的原意,也有利于将交通肇事罪与不作为的故意杀人罪区分开来。同时,最高人民法院审判委员会的司法解释对指使肇事人逃逸的人以交通肇事罪的共犯论处的规定值得质疑。在交通肇事逃逸致人死亡的情况下,肇事人因其先行行为负有救助被害人的义务,若肇事人不履行该义务,则可能构成其他犯罪。单位主管人员、机动车辆所有人、承包人或者乘车人并不构成交通肇事罪的共犯,而会因为自己的教唆行为构成故意杀人罪或者过失致人死亡罪的共犯。

【Abstract】 With the constant economic development in great speed, the people’s living standard has been raised and the rapidly increasing number of our private car owners witness a great variety of car accidents in company with constant happening of traffic troubles. Escaping from the accident site of causing traffic trouble is the usual phenomena in crime of causing traffic casualties, which has become the focus being paid close attention to by criminal judicature and theory. Therefore, the Articles set up in the 1979 Criminal Law are far from being enough to satisfy the objective needs social condition. Current Criminal Law has revised the traffic accident crime, obvious difference lie in, set up "causing death due to escaping" this measurement of penalty grade most among them, punish this kind of crime severely offer the legislative authority for judicial authority. But because regulation of clause is too generally, simple, ignore the behavioral complicated situation of escaping, just define different understanding to the epitaxy of "causing death due to escaping", this has caused between the crime of intentional homicide of traffic accident crime and non-performance conversely the relation is complicated, have influenced its applicable result. In 2000, in order to meet the new legislative demand, the judicial committee of the Supreme People’s Court has issued Some Judicial Interpretation on the Application of Law on How to Decide the Criminal Cases Cause by Traffic Troubles. However, the judicial Interpretation fails to realize its original intention, make the rationality of this clockwork spring queried because its some regulations and criminal law theories are difficult to coordinate instead. The thesis is to deal with and make some research on some problems caused the issue of the new judicial interpretation, and arrangement all argumentation of the focus issue, propose author’s own view.Cases of causing death due to escaping in crimes of causing traffic casualties are very complicated, which need to be analyzed and determined according to specific situations. In fact, it is necessary to limit the scope of the act of flight. And to escape behavior make simple understanding, analyze subjective fault form, target range, legal property of "causing death due to escaping" and declare the measurement of penalty guilty scientific, this just accords

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】484