

Purification and Analysis of the Effective Components of Jianpizhiyi Tablets and the Study of Their Role on Gelatinase of Rabbit’s Bladder

【作者】 赵雪

【导师】 任慧霞;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 微生物与生化药学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的目的是研究健脾止遗片的有效成分,分离纯化得到有生物活性的、纯度较高的组分,分析其理化性质、探讨活性组分对动物膀胱明胶酶活性的影响。明确健脾止遗片有效成分的组成,为改进该药生产工艺、减少服用剂量提供科学的实验依据,为临床应用研究及尿失禁的发病机理研究提供必要的物质基础。 健脾止遗片是国家批准的用于治疗小儿遗尿症的中成药,主要成分是鸡肠和鸡内金,经动物急性毒性和慢性毒性实验证实无任何毒性及不良反应。临床已应用十几年,取得了良好的效果。该药虽批准用于小儿遗尿症,但近些年,不少中老年尿失禁患者使用,也取得满意效果。由健脾止遗片的基础研究得知,显示生物活性的组分主要来自鸡肠提取物,鸡肠用于治疗尿失禁,我国许多古代中医药书籍如《本经》、《别录》、《本草纲目》等都有记载,但有效成分是什么?一直未见详细报道。 本课题参照健脾止遗片的生产工艺,以新鲜鸡肠为原料,经水提取制得提取物,该提取物分别在一定条件下用甲醇和水进一步提取,得到甲醇提取物和水提取物。甲醇提取物依次用Sephadex G-10及CM Sephadex C-25柱层析分离纯化,水提取物依次用CM Sephadex C-25及Sephadex G-25柱层析分离纯化,采用生物活性检测的方法跟踪分离纯化过程,对所得活性组分通过紫外检测、薄层、电泳、质谱、氨基酸分析等技术进行了理化性质测定。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective components of Jianpizhiyi tablet, separate and purify these effective components, determine its physical and chemical properties, and analyze their effects on the activity of animal gelatinases. The identifying of the effective components of Jianpizhiyi tablet, will provide the scientific experimental evidences for improving the production techniques of this medicine, and decreasing the dosage when patients take this medicine. It also provides some insights into the clinical application research and the study of the pathogenesis of urinary incontinences. Jianpizhiyi tablet is a Chinese traditional patent medicine, approved by the State Food and Drug Administration of China, for the management of nocturnal enuresis (NE), commonly known as bed-wetting, in child patients from five to nine years old. The main compositions of Jianpizhiyi tablet are chicken intestine and corium stomachium galli. After the clinical application for more than ten years, it has been proved as an ideal drug for treating NE. Although the drug was approved for child bed-wetting, in recent years it also has been used for treating urinary incontinence in many elderly people. The other studies of Jianpizhiyi tablet showed that its biological active components mainly came from the extractive of chicken intestines. Chicken intestine have been used to treat urinary incontinences long before, as was recorded in many ancient Chinese medical literatures, such as

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】R285
  • 【下载频次】70