

【作者】 孙雅楠

【导师】 刘保玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是以商品房按揭贷款为主线,结合英美法系中的按揭理论及大陆法系的让与担保理论,从法律性质、效力及公示制度等方面的角度进行了反思,并对我国商品房按揭制度发展中存在的问题和完善提出了一点个人的建议。 本文一共分为五个部分:第一部分按揭的渊源与发展;第二部分商品房按揭的法律性质分析;第三部分商品房按揭的法律关系研究;第四部分按揭的公示制度;第五部分对我国商品房按揭的再思考。 在本文的第一部分中,通过引入按揭的词源以及在英美国家和中国香港地区的历史渊源和发展,介绍了英美国家的按揭经历了从质权到普通法的财产转移担保的演化,而衡平法的赎回权和财产所有权的转移则是按揭制度区别于其它担保制度的最主要标志。对我国按揭理论的产生及发展作了介绍,为整篇文章进一步的探讨奠定了理论基础,并揭示了商品房按揭担保于我国现状的意义所在。 商品房按揭的法律性质一直都是大陆法系各学者讨论、质疑的焦点,第二部分的主要内容是就此问题进行了展开,通过对英美国家及香港地区法律性质的研究,在研究我国大陆按揭理论现状的基础上,比较现今学者主张的不动产抵押说、权利质押说、让与担保说等理论,提出我国期房按揭应该由让与担保的理论来规范它。 文章的第三部分,在把期房按揭定位为让与担保理论后,就商品房按揭本身的法律关系构成及效力进行了详细论述。本文论述了按揭的主体、标的、设定的基本过程以及内容,明确按揭法律关系的主体仅为按揭人与按揭权人,而不能因为按揭所涉及到的各种法律关系而混淆了其主体,并提出了期待权为按揭标的的观点,对期待权的渊源及法律性质做了较为深入的探究。另外还考察了按揭的对内、对外效力并对按揭当事人的主要权利与义务作了阐述。 第四部分的内容,是在文章前两部分的论证的基础上提出了按揭的公示制度。因为按揭是以按揭人的期待权为标的进行担保,而期待权的物权性质即是通过预告登记制度而具有了排他性,以确保按揭权人得到可以对抗第三人的权益。因此,预告登记制度成为按揭公示的主要方法,本部分就物权的公信力原则与预告登记制度的性质及效力进行了介绍,表明我国的按揭制度必须设立预告登记制度来实现其法律的公示效力。 文章最后的部分,作者分析了我国目前的商品房按揭中的实际问题,就按揭的公示、

【Abstract】 The Real Estate mortgage loans is the main line combines the Roman-Germani civil law tradition with the mortgage theroy and Anglo-Amercian common tradition with the theory of security,this article reviews the legislation of mortgage from the angle of the legal nature,effectiveness and the publicity system perspective reflections.Then the author forecasts the development of our Real Estate mortgage system and gives a prospect of personal recommendations.The article is divided into five parts: the first part is about the origins and development of the mortgage;the second part is about the legal nature of Real Estate mortgage analysis;the third part concentrates the legal relationship Real Estate mortgage research; the fourth part is about the mortgage register system and the fifth part is about the status of the Real Estate mortgage rethinking.In the first part of this paper, through the introduction of mortgage etymology and the United States and China’s Hong Kong region historical origins and development, introduced the United States has experienced from hypotheque mortgage of the property transferred to the common law of the evolution of security, The right of redemption and the shift of property ownership are the symbols of the mortgage system from the other main security system. This part introduces the formation and development of the mortgage to further explore specific articles laid the theoretical foundation, and reveals the significance of Real Estate mortgage of our status.Commercial building mortgage legal nature is always the focus of the civil law scholars have been discussed and questioned .The second part is basised on the study of the legal nature through the United States and China’s Hong Kong region, compares with the hypothecation,impawn,transferred guarantee,the legal nature of mortgage of future hypothecation,impawn,transferred guarantee,thelegal nature of mortgage of future property is transferred guarantee in China.In the third part of the article, the author analyzes all sorts of relationship of mortgage of commercial building,and thinks the legal relationship of law with respect of mortgage of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】193