

The Fabrication and Application of Microelectrode Array and Screen-printed

【作者】 阴文辉

【导师】 孙建军;

【作者基本信息】 福州大学 , 分析化学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文着重研究了组合微盘电极和印刷电极的制作、表征和应用。本论文共分四个部分,第一部分对组合微电极和印刷电极的性质和应用进行了概述,并对碳纳米管和普鲁士蓝的性质和应用进行了阐述。在论文的第二章,我们研究了一种铂盘组合微电极的制作方法,并研究了该电极的电化学性质。将该组合微电极用于茶叶中痕量铅的测定。测定方法使用同位镀汞沉积富集和方波阳极溶出伏安法。铅的线性范围为0.20μg/L~35.0μg/L,检测限为0.05μg/L。实验中所测市售三种茶叶中的铅的含量均符合国标茶叶卫生要求标准。丝网印刷电极因其低廉的成本和简易的制作方法和较好的近年来得到迅速发展,在化学传感器方面应用较广。批量制作的印刷电极其性能相同,重现性好。在论文的第三章,我们自制了即抛型印刷碳电极,对其进行活化和表征,并将无修饰印刷碳电极直接用于痕量汞的检测,得到了比较满意的结果。论文的第四章,在印刷电极表面修饰碳纳米管,得到碳纳米管修饰印刷电极(MWNTs-SPCE)。并对电极进行电化学性质表征,电极重现性好。在此基础上,用MWNT/SPCE循环伏安法电沉积普鲁士蓝制备了普鲁士蓝/碳纳米管修饰电极(MWNTs-PB/SPCE),用它来研究对H2O2的催化作用,并进行检测。结果表明该修饰电极对H2O2具有很好的催化作用,对H2O2的响应在较宽的范围内成良好线性关系。

【Abstract】 A platinum disc microelectrode array and screen printed electrode (SPCE) were fabricated and it’s application was studied.In chapter 2, the platinum disc microelectrode array was fabricated. The microelectrode array’s electrochemical characters were study. It was used for the determination of trace levels of lead(Ⅱ) in synthetic and tea samples, by employing thin mercury film formed at the electrodes. Lead and mercury were deposited in-situ with chronoamperometry and stripped using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry. The stripping peak current is linearly with the concentration over the range of 0.2 35.0μg/L for lead ion. The detection limit (S / N = 3)is 0.05μg/L. The recovery is 86.0% 95.2%. In chapter 3, we employed disposable SPCE for the determination of trace mercury. SPCE is easily fabricated with low costs. The electrode offered a greater simplicity, because modification is unnecessary. In the experimental conditions, no reduction of other heavy metals has been observed show a high selectivity. Finally, the SPCE was applied to the determination of tea samples.In chapter 4, a new type of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and Prussian blue (PB) co-modified screen-printed electrode (SPCE) has been fabricated for the detection of hydrogen peroxide. PB was electrodeposited on the surface of MWNTs-modified SPCE and MWNTs showed an obvious promotion for the redox reaction rates of hydrogen peroxide. Cyclic voltammetry and amperometric measurements were employed to demonstrate the feasibility of Prussian blue as a catalyst to determine hydrogen peroxide. This resulting sensor showed a wide linear range of amperometric responses to H2O2. The presence of dopamine, ascorbate and urate hardly affected the sensitive determination of H2O2.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 福州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】O657.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】384